The Promise Neverland au

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Me: ok this is one is enique yet it is one of my favs however!

Ink: whats it about!?

Killer:and how is it so enique you're not dancing or fangirling

Me: its enique because it's... um you'll understand oh by the way um Nightmare you're not in this au-

Nightmare: what!? I don't exist!?

Me: no no! Of coursed you existed its just you don't make an appearance here! Eheheh...

Nightmare: ugh! Just play the dumb au

The video begins extremely little version of Cross, Killer and Ink approaching a gate

Cross: hey guys what is this?

The stars: oh my God! Their so cute!!

Killer: wait why are they even there?

Error: who knows who cares let's just watch and get it over with

Chara: hmph damn Cross you look adorable

Cross: shut up Chara

Ink: a gate it connects the inside and outside

Cross: outside? We never been outside

Nightmare: what???

Ink: but there outside right now-

Blue: I think he ment outside the gate not literally Ink

Ink: oh guess that makes sense

Killer: that's because we haven't left here since being born

Cross: so is this what mom always tell us about? "Never go near the gate at the back of the forest cause it's dangerous"

Everyone: mom!?

Ink: Do they mean as in creator's?

Cross: but why was their pular?

Lust: I'd normally think of something else... but they seem to young

Dust: no shit sherlock

Ink: he says that but it's not true

Killer: its not?

Dream: wait did he just say "he?"

Me: yeah something wrong

Dream: No just struck me as off is all

Cross: hey Ink! What would you do outside!?

Ink: I don't know.. you Cross

Cross: I'd ride a giraffe!

Chara: he's still on that Giraffe obsession?-

Cross: hey I've gotten over it!

Ink: good luck

Killer: this gate..

Killer puts his hand through one of the bars holding

Killer: you know I wonder what it's really keeping us protecting from?

Blue: probably something important!

Ink: yeah!

Horror: like a beats!?

The stars: no!-

The screen fades to show the sun rising with a pretty big building and the clock reach 6:00am

Cross wakes up this time older but still pretty young

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