Henry Danger

665 22 20

Me:"hi! This au is a very chaotically funny one!"


Dream:"what's it about?"

Me:"Basically, Dream gets wrapped I a secret lab and becomes the heroic side kick to nightmare"


Blue"..did you just say..heroic?"

Me:"yup! Here their corrupted forms are their hero forms!

Nightmare:"..I hate this already."

Me:"hey! I spared you with this song!"

Nightmare:"that's not making it any better."

Me:"oh let's just just start!-"

It shows Dream asleep in his room, his phones rings waking him up

Dream:" *yawn* what?-"

The other side shows Dust in some kind of lab-

Dust:"Dream! You gotta get over here!"

Dust:"..why am i?.-"

Me:"I did say it was a song."


Dream:'why are you singing?- !- Why am I singing?!"

Dream:"seems like their confused to-"

Dust:"just brush your teeth and get over here!"

Dream:"can you smell my breath through the the phone?"


Lust giggles a bit at that

Dust:"! What?! No! Somebody put a magical curse on this town!




Ink:"a. Musical. Curse?...PFT BAHAHAHAHAH!"

Ink let's out a roar of laughter and some others giggle to.

Dream:"has it infected everybody, else?"

Dust:"go downstairs and see for youself!~"

Meanwhile with the star sitcom fam:

Blue"somwthing going on!~

Blue:"oh my- I guess it has-

Ink:"this is to much- ahaha!"

Core:"there's a musical curse over the multiverse!~"

Ink:"im stuck in a song-"


Error then tapes Inks mouth shut-

Blue and core:"there's a musical curse over the multiverse! Nightmare sans! Tell us can! You hear us?!"

Nightmare:"yes and I'll ignore you."

Ink is dancing

Ink:"I'm doing this against my will!-"

Error:"ha. You suck."


Cross:"..this is to weird.-"

X-Chara:"we've seen weirder Cross let's face it.


Blue and core:"there's a musical curse over the multiverse!~"

Core:"this is so not chill."

The trio:"there's a musical curse over the multiverse! Hey Shattered sans! Did you hear us?!"

Dream:"assuming my corrupted or..hero form here. Is Shattered?


Dream has a bag and is trying to run out the door-

Blue:"Dream where are you going?"

Dream:"I hate to be a jerk..but I gotta go to work..ya know..sell the junk at the store.-"


Me:"oh yeah! Here Dream became the sidekick after he worked at a place, its above the lab Dust was in."

Killer:"..I understood none of that."


Blue:"but Dream haven't you heard?! WERE SINGING EVERY WORD!"

Ink:"like this!~"

The trio:"it's totally out of our control!~"

Dream:"sorry guys I gotta roll!~"


It then changed to Cross and X-Chara on the news

Cross:"oh. Of course we're on here to.'


Cross:"if your just tuneing in. There's a musical curse over the multiverse."

X-Chara:"my name is chara!"

Cross:"good God X. There's a musical curse over the multiverse!."

X-Chara:"x-chara from x-tale!~"

Cross:"..don't you dare."

X-Chara:"X-Chara from x-tale!~"

The new:"Nightmare sans, and Shattered can ya save us!?"

Nightmare:"absolutely not."

Dream:"don't be rude."

Nightmare:"fuck you."

Cross:"in other news a monster is pregnant but not with what you expect-"

Ok that weirded everyone out-

The TV Glitch showing Lust-

Lust:"we interrupt this program for me! Citizien of the multiverse! It is I! Lust the grand! In case you didn't notice!~ there's a musical curse over the land! My bad! or good? Cause this is way it should be! I have control of all your speakers. Blasting a special frequency! And now the multiverse is perfect! Musically perfect! Just like me!~ Tata for now!"


Passive:"what did I miss?- !-"

Lust:"...my bad-"

Error:"..LUST YOU FUCKING! atleast I didn't appear but still. Hearing them singing would be hell.

Me:"guess so, well adios!"

Blue:"! Wait when are we gonna go home?!-"

The chapter ends!

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