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Ink: Dan- a- what now?

Me:Danganronpa! This is a.. let's just say it requires being able to solve a mystery-... there are 17, including you guys.

Blue: Cool!

Me pov: they have no idea what there getting into-

The screen shows the title
"All Danganronpa deaths"

Everyone went to shock

Dream: Deaths?!!

Me: yup, did I forget to mention this is a killing game?-

Everyone: what?!

Me: guess I did- (nah totally knew-) anyways 17 of y'all our trapped in this building force to live the rest of your lives trapped, there is only one way out. To kill someone else and not get caught, whoever kills is the blackened the others have to figure out who is the blackened in a class trial, if they get it right they win and blackened gets executed, if they get it wrong they all get executed expect the blackened, and the blackened can leave.

Everyons: !...

Ink: n-no one would actually do that right?!

Me:...*sigh* let's begin, along the way I'll explain it.

The screen shows a bathroom woth some blood on the wall,, it zooms down to show Blue sitting there lifeless


Blue scream


Error: whos the bastard that killed him?!

Me: it'll show soon

It then shows Ink stepping on the bear monokuma

Nightmare: wait?- Whats the bear?

Me: Thats a Monokuma. He's what trapped you all there in the first place

Horror: but he's just a stuff bear-

Me: actually he's an extremely advanced A.I but yes someone, the mastermind behind this game, controls him

Error: great. Just wonderful (Sarcastic)

Then a bunch of spears stabbing Ink all over his body as mumbled something, then the spear retracted leaving Ink to bleed out infront of everyone

Ink wanted to throw up

Lust: a-are you serious!?

Me: yup Ink stood up to the monokuma, breaking a rule, cause of that he was killed.


It then fades to show a pixel like game screen with Cross and a Monokuma, with the Monokuma pulling Cross away while the above says.
"Cross sans has been found guilty"

Cross:...I- I killed Blue?...

Me: yes however it was an accident-

Horror: how is that an accident?! You don't just kill someone by accident!

Me: true, however you do, if you where originally the victim

Cross: huh?-

Me: Blue attempted to kill Cross first before the tables turned, with Cross killing Blue instead

Blue: !- B-But I- would never!

Dream: why would Blue even do that?!-

Me: Monokuma gave y'all videos with something bad happening to people you care about as motivation for y'all to kill someone, Blues was to much for him to handle, he had to get out of there so he set up a plan to kill Cross but he lost the upper hand and ended up as the victim.

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