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(Reunion and True colors spoilers)


Killer"oh no."

Me:"actually thats ironic coming from you-"

Killer:"what do you mean?"

Me:"oh. You'll see. Anyways this au, is about 3 of you guys being teleported into a world of talking frogs!"

Lust:"...darling wha-"

Ink:" it me?-"


Ink:"Then it's not good. Ù_Ú"

Me:"I- just watch-"

The screen shows a dark looking tower, with toads a frogs, and Horror in dope armor let's face it, taking dust to one of the toads

Horror:"! Oh! So 2 of them is me and dust- and most likely the 3rd it killer!"


Nm:"morons. Ofc they get stuck there."

Horror:"Found these prisoners trying to escape grime."

Dust:"wait what-"

Dust:"dude! Are you crazy?!"

Horror:"sh. I'm actually trying to get us back home!"

Nm:"...horror- being following a goal?- this really is another multiverse."


Blue:"why are they on a tower?"

Me:"Dramatic purposes"


Grime:"very impressive. Always playing flip wart while everyone else is playing bog jump."

Horror:"say what?--"


Dream:"are those even things?--"


Horror:"ngl it's kinda funny tho- were both so confused-"

Grime:"well- flip wart and bog jump are both games- but flip wart requires alot more skil- IM TRYING TO SAY YOUR SMART!"



Killer:"I don't see it."


Horror:"aw! Thanks grimesy! What can I say? That's just how I roll. Heh. Uptop."

Horror tries to give Grime a high five, Grime is confuse but gives him a high five


Dust:"Horror! Stop this!. There is another way!- ack!"

Toad guards block dust with weapons

Grime:"there is no other way! Skeleton. Our very way of life is at stake. You wouldn't understand. Seize the traitor! Hopida planter!"

Cross:"huh, weird name-"

X-Chara:"uh this could be serious you know-"

Cross:"..still- weird name!-"

Two Toad guards grab an old frog and push 2 frog children away

Hop pop:"Kids!"

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