The Hunger Games AU

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Me:"Ah, don't you love it when I have a new obsession?!"


Me:"too bad! It's time for a new au!"

Dream:"wait- your just making these on the spot?"

Me:"...Hush. Anyways, this au is called, The Hunger Games."

Nightmare:"interesting title. Why is it called that?."

Me:"well here, you all are very much younger, with Nightmare and Dream, being the eldest at a mere 100, and Ink being a normal adult, while the rest are either 12, 16, or 18."

Nightmare:"That didn't answer my question."

Me:"I'm getting to it! Basically, here, the multiverse is split up into 12 districts and a caption, with the majority, the districts, living in poverty, and only the capitol reaping the goods in luxury. As a show of power, the capitol made it an annual thing, to show power. Fear. And anything else to the districts, that they must surrender two tributes, 12-18, to compete, to a death game."

Dream:"!- And- And I allowed this?! CORE ALLOWED THIS?!"

Me:"Actually, Core holds no power here. Unlike the Hazbin Hotel AU, here, You, Dream are the one who made this a thing in the first place."

Dream:"!...B-But- I-I..."

Blue:"...If your telling us this, what's the end? Usually in your aus with death game(cough, Danganronpa) someone puts a stop to it."

Me:"Clever Blue, the end is a revolution. It's still In the works as I've only read book 1-"



The scene starts with a lot of people in District 12, all walking to the square. Then, it shows a stage and someone tapping on a microphone before grabbing it.

It's Ink.
Who for some reason is wearing strictly hot Pink-

Lust:"That is- certainly eye catching-"

Error:"and vomit worthy"

Ink:"Welcome, Welcome, Welcome! Happy hunger games! And may the odds be ever in your favor! Before we start. A quick message from the capitol!"

Ink then plays a video,

"War. Terrible war. Widows, orphans, motherless children. This was the uprising that brought down our multiverse. 13 districts rebelled. Against the country that loved them, fed them, protected them. Brother turned on brother till nothing was left. And then came the peace. 12 districts lost, We won. The people who rose up from the ashes. And a new Era was born. But freedom has a cost. And when the traitors were defeated, we swore as a multiverse. We'd never know this treason again. And so it was decreed. That each year, the various districts of the multiverse would offer up two tributes, 12-18. To fight to the death, I a parent of honor, courage and sacrifice. The lone Victor bathed in riches. As a reminder of our generosity, and our forgiveness. This is how we remember our past. This is how we save guard our future."

The video ends and Ink is mouthing it word for word.

Ink:"I just love that!!"

Dust:"Dark man. This seems very..what's the word?-"

Cross:"Propagandist. It seems very propagandist."

Ink:"Meh, don't see why other me likes it so much tho,"

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