Chapter 1: "Friends with Benefits"

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Author's note: My second Stickprice fic and this takes place in the triple threat ending already made a Stick Price fic so I decided to do more. This won't be as long as my Stickvin fic but longer than the other Stick Price fic.

Rupert was putting on his clothes and fixing his hair, he turned to his bed to stare at his bed mate indifference. Henry Stickmin was still sleeping peacefully after their "activities".

They had been doing this for a while now, how they got to use each other is beyond Rupert. It all started back when Rupert was still a police officer, he arrested Henry and for some reason began to flirt with him.

Johnny, his partner at the time, started snickering at his predicament. Rupert got so annoyed at Henry that he pulled over and made Johnny get out of the car, Johnny was confused and he did what he was told.

After a couple of minutes the car started moving a bit, he furrowed his brow and opened the driver's seat to check on them when he saw the windows fog up and two figures moving in the back.

"What are you doing!?" exclaimed Johnny, he was shocked and confused.

"Oh...Johnny you ain't supposed to see this," said Rupert, his shirt was opened and his pants were opened.

A pair of handcuffed hands wrapped around his neck and he was pulled down, a soft moan came from the other person. Johnny noticed Henry was on the bottom and his face became scarlet with embarrassment.

"Why are you screwing him!?" shouted Johnny, Rupert was so busy fucking Henry that he almost didn't hear Johnny's question.

"I-I d-d-don't know," replied Rupert, he was thrusting deeper judging by high pitch moan coming from Henry. "I was trying to teach him a lesson but the next I know, I'm fucking a thief."

"I thought you were above that! If you wanted to get laid you should have done it later!"

"Oi! I wanna punish him for annoying me so I just did this!"

"You're disgusting!"

Johnny shut the door in frustration and he leaned against the car, the car was still moving. He also felt something tightly in his pants, he looked down and saw he was hard. He cursed and checked the area they were in to make sure no one was driving by, he put his hand down his pants to take care of his needs.

Moments later, Rupert came out with his uniform wrinkled, hair messy, his face red but content, and tucking himself back. He turned to look for Johnny when he saw him on the dirt just sitting with him staring out at space, he shook him to get his attention and he did. Johnny stared up at him with an unamused expression and he motioned his head toward the car.

Rupert blushed and he quickly went to the driver's seat, he buckled his seat belt and started up the car. He waited for Johnny to get in which he did, he buckled himself in, and off they went to jail. Johnny glanced at the backseat to find Henry asleep, he had all his clothes except for his shoes.

"You got a bunch of hickies on your face, mate," said Johnny, pointing to Rupert's neck.

"Aw shit! I have to cover them before I get into the police station," said Rupert, hastily. "I don't want them to see and laugh about them, especially Dave."

"Why Dave especially?" asked Johnny.

"'s none of the yer business!" bellowed Rupert, he was getting defensive.

Johnny was surprised at his outburst but before he could ask what's the problem, they arrived at the police station. Johnny went to go wake up Henry but he was already awake and content, considering he was fucked by a police officer. He also had hickies on his neck, how he's going to cover them?

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