Chapter 2: Awkward Situations

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Rupert and Henry are awkward around and everyone wonders why. 

Rupert headed for the training room to train when he saw Charles and Ellie already in there, they were sparring. He was impressed about how Charles could keep up with Ellie, considering she's a former criminal and all. Charles can fight but mostly spends being the pilot, he also knows how to use guns and snipers too.

Charles spotted Rupert and he waved, however, while he was distracted he was accidentally punched in the face by Ellie. He fell backward and landed on his back, Ellie scrambled over to him.

"Oh! I'm sorry Charles." apologized Ellie, she was panicking.

"No problem, El," said Charles, he had a black eye and he smiled.

"It's my fault anyway," added Rupert, he walked over there to help him up.

"I distracted him."

He and Ellie helped Charles up, Charles felt his face and he cringed.    

"I need to cover this before the General finds out."

Rupert dug through his pockets and he found some concealer, he gave it to Charles.

"Here use this," said Rupert.

"Thanks, Rupert," said Charles.

Ellie stared at Rupert in curiosity and she grabbed some water to give to Charles, she also had her water and chugged it.

"Why do you have concealer?" asked Ellie.

"To cover bruises and my eye bags," replied Rupert.

"Oh yeah... then what's that on your neck?" 

She pointed to his neck and there was a bruise on his neck, Rupert jumped at her question and he quickly grabbed the concealer and opened the mirror to see the bruise on his neck. Charles observed Rupert's neck and his reaction, why was he acting like he had done something bad?

Rupert's POV

Shit! Damn it, Henry! Why does he have to put a hickey on me? Now I have to hide it, why didn't I notice it earlier? I also have to come up with an excuse so Charles and Ellie don't get suspicious, I don't no one to know what we are doing.

However, I get the feeling that Henry wants more which I can't's just I have a crush on Dave and I'm hoping to ask him out but not sure when's the right time. I'm only using him for sex, nothing more.

No One's POV

Charles and Ellie waited for an answer from Rupert when Henry walked in, Henry stopped to look at the scene in front of him. He noticed Rupert was silently panicking, Charles observing him, and Ellie looking at him in confusion. He stalked over to them and Charles immediately hugged him making him red, Ellie ruffled his white hair making him redder.

"Hey Hen, we were looking for you but couldn't find you," said Charles.

"Yeah, where were you?" questioned Ellie.

Rupert stared at Henry whose eyes widened and his face became more like a tomato, he bowed down and pulled up his hoodie to cover his head from embarrassment. Rupert also noticed he wasn't looking at him, he couldn't blame him.

"Uh...Hen? You alright?" asked Charles tentatively.

Henry nodded his head but everyone knew he was lying, but before Charles could ask again Rupert groaned in frustration and grabbed Henry by the arm to drag him out of the room. Charles and Ellie stared at them in bewilderment, they wondered what was going on between Rupert and Henry.

Rupert kept dragging him to a secluded spot and he let go of him, Henry still had his hoodie up. Rupert sighed and went to Henry to take his hood down, he still wouldn't look at Rupert. He lifted his chin to look at him. Henry finally glanced up at him and he flushed.

"Look 'ere, Henry," said Rupert firmly. Henry stared at him with interest. He continued "No can know we have...this relationship."

"Why?" asked Henry.


Rupert paused for a moment, he hadn't thought of an answer. He had to come up with an answer that would satisfy him and Henry, but how? He had to lie to him about it, he doesn't need to know about his feelings for Dave. Will he feel guilty about it? Probably not.

"Cause I don't want people to know about my private life, is that ok?" asked Rupert softly.

"Sure," replied Henry, he was smiling a little.

Rupert wasn't so sure if Henry only agreed with him to convince him, his smile didn't reach his eyes. Henry walked away from him, signing he had to go which made Rupert think he was lying but didn't comment on it.

At the cafeteria, everyone was eating. Charles, Henry, and Ellie sat on one side while Rupert, Calvin, and Konrad were on the other side. There was a conversation going on but the only ones who weren't talking were Henry and Rupert, they both stayed into their little words until the topic of love life came up.

"So is anyone seeing someone special?" asked Ellie slyly.

Everyone blinked at Ellie slowly, they weren't expecting that to come up. Rupert and Henry froze at that question but for completely different reasons, Rupert didn't want to tell them about him sleeping with Henry and also his crush on Dave. Henry is not dating anyone unless you count sleeping with Rupert, despite using each other Henry has developed feelings for Rupert. 

"," answered Charles, he looked confused. "Why?"

"Just wondering," said Ellie.

"Does flirting count?" asked Calvin hesitantly.

"Yeah...flirting," added Konrad.

Ellie shook her head and she went back to eating, Charles on the other hand was curious about why Rupert and Henry hadn't answered Ellie's question.

"Hey Hen, you haven't answered her question, you too Rupert," said Charles. 

Everyone turned to look at Rupert and Henry who froze and Henry put his hood up to hide his face, Rupert put his hat down to hide his face too. Henry ran out of the cafeteria before anyone could stop him, Rupert also ran out following him in the process. Everyone stared at each other quizzically, what just happened?

"What the heck was that?" questioned Konrad, the others shrugged but they were also worried about them.

"I just asked a simple question," said Ellie quietly. 

Charles couldn't blame her but something was going on with Henry and Rupert and he's gonna find out why.

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