Chapter 3: Meeting A Friend

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Rupert goes to meet with Dave and hopefully, he'll confess to him but Dave has something he needs to tell Rupert.

Rupert was walking to the donuts shop to meet up with Dave, they'd been planning this meet-up for a couple of days now. He was excited because he hadn't seen him since he quit the police force, the last he heard from Dave he said he was doing well. 

He went inside and found Dave sitting at one of the tables near the window, he smiled and walked over to him. Dave was reading a book and eating a donut, he glanced up and smiled at Rupert too.

"Hi, Rupert," said Dave.

"Hello Dave," replied Rupert, he pulled the chair across from him and sat down.

"So how you've been?"

"Great, you?"

"Good, I got a job as a security guard." beamed Dave.

Dave looked so happy and Rupert loved it when Dave was happy, Rupert wasn't listening to Dave while he was explaining what was going on in his life. He was just admiring him and being in his little fantasy world, however, a pair of snapping fingers brought Rupert out of his stupor.

"Um...hey Rupert?" said Dave tentatively.

Rupert shook his head and he blinked, he glanced at Dave whose expression was anxious. he furrowed his brow at him until he realized he wasn't paying him.

"Oh, sorry Dave. I was distracted, what were you sayin'?" 

"I was saying that my job as a security guard has given me a much better time as a police officer." 

"Oh...why is that?" asked Rupert softly. 

"I felt like I was useless and not even doing anything good," replied Dave sadly. He bowed his head down making him appear smaller. 

Rupert felt sadness and pity for the man in front of him, he also felt anger and hatred. He always tried to help Dave with his police work like helping him with arrests, checking files, letting him drive, etc. However, that one time Henry Stickmin got arrested for trying to rob a bank changed everything. 

He was sitting in his cell when he and Dave approached him, he joked that Henry was getting out but he was not. A package arrived for him which boggled their minds why, however, Dave didn't check it and that was a mistake...a big mistake. Henry used the items inside the box and escaped, which cost Dave his job.

Rupert was pissed at Henry for that, ever since Dave's firing it was hard. Johnny was his partner after that but he didn't mind it as long as Henry didn't try to steal anything. But fate would have it, he did try to steal again. Fortunately for him and Johnny, they managed to capture him but when they put him in the car things began to... develop.

Henry started to flirt with him, making him red and confused as hell. He said some lewd things making him redder and Johnny was laughing his ass off, it got to the point that Rupert snapped. He made Johnny stop the car and also made him get out, he got out and Rupert went to the back.

Things quickly became heated after he got in the back, he wanted to shout at him but suddenly a pair of handcuffed hands wrapped around his neck, and felt a pair of lips on his lips. At first, he wanted to pull away but for some reason, he didn't. 

The kiss became more heated, their tongues battled for dominance and Rupert felt his pants become tight. He pushed Henry down to lie down on his back, they kept on kissing, and without thinking he started taking off Henry's pants and underwear. He unbuttoned his pants and used his spit as lube.

Everything blurred after that for Rupert, he didn't know why he was fucking Henry but he didn't care. Using Henry like this...made him feel powerful for some reason, but with Dave, it's not. Rupert has always cared for him ever since his first day at work, he loved his awkwardness and his ability to care for people even when they don't deserve it.

"Hey Dave, yer not useless," assured Rupert softly. He put a hand on him and Dave looked up at him with shimmering eyes.

He continued, "You have been so helpful to me."

"You supported me, helped me with my anger issues, got some arrests, etc."

Dave sniffled and wiped his tears with his sleeve, he smiled sheepishly and he blushed. 

"Thank you," said Dave.

"You're welcome," replied Rupert.

They both stared at each other for a moment and Rupert thought it was a perfect time to confess to him, but how was he going to do it? He thought for a moment, he knew didn't have time for a big romantic gesture. Even though Dave deserved that, he decided to just do the whole cliche thing.

"" stuttered Rupert.

"Yeah?" asked Dave anxiously.

"I have something to tell you."

"What is it?"

Before he can confess, a phone disturbed their intimate moment. It was Dave's phone, he answered it and Rupert waited patiently for him to finish. Dave was grinning and he laughed at the voice at the end, After a couple of minutes, he hung up and glanced at Rupert.

"Who was that?" questioned Rupert, he was curious about whom Dave was talking to.

"Jacob Rose," said Dave happily. His face became redder which made Rupert feel uneasy.

"Jacob Rose? Isn't he Ellie's brother?" 

"Yes, he's a recruit and I'm helping him with training."

Rupert was impressed, he was helping someone who needed help so why did Dave think he was useless?

"Oh, is he a new friend or an acquaintance?" asked Rupert, for some reason, he got a feeling of dread.

"I'm seeing him," said Dave sheepishly.

Rupert froze at the answer Dave gave him, did he hear him right? Seeing him? He felt like the world stopped, his heart beat fast as if he was running on adrenaline. Dave was trying to get his attention but his voice sounded as if Rupert was underwater, he was drowning in denial and sadness.

"Um...Rupert...hello?" said Dave tentatively. He was slightly shaking him to get his attention but no response. "Please say something, Rupert."

Rupert finally glanced at him, his eyes wide and blank. He didn't feel himself tremble, Dave tried to get his attention but still no response. 

"What?" muttered Rupert solemnly.

Dave stopped for a moment but before he could say anything, Rupert quickly got up from his seat and ran out of the shop making the workers and the patrons including Dave confused at his hasty retreat. 

Rupert kept running, he didn't know where he was running to but he didn't care. A few moments later, he stopped running. He waited to catch his breath and he glanced around to check his surroundings, he was miles away from the base but not too far.

Rupert was having a breakdown, he was breathing heavily, he was trembling with rage and sadness, and he clenched his fists tightly. Without thinking, he roared in anger and punched a random tree. He punched it so hard, it cracked a little and his knuckles were bleeding. 

He felt warm liquid sliding down his face and he held his injured hand with his other hand, he finally started to sob loudly. Sure he had gotten rejected a bunch of times but why doesn't hurt so much? He hated feeling this way, feeling hurt and betrayed by the one person he thought wouldn't hurt him. It's not like Dave did this on purpose, it was one-sided love on his part.

His sobbing ceased and he sighed heavily, he quickly wiped his face before he went to the base. He didn't want anyone to know he was crying, he did not want pity or condolence that he got rejected. He started to walk slowly back to the base, his emotional pain hurt more than his physical one.

Love hurts.

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