Chapter 10: Final Confrontation

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Reginald Copperbottom and Right Hand Man won't let the Government take Henry away but Rupert is not letting them get Henry. 

They all turned to the source of the voice and found the leader of the clan along with his second-in-command. Reginald was playing with his mustache and was smirking evilly at them, Right Hand Man was holding a gun at them also smirking evilly.

"Yer not getting Henry." snarled Rupert, glaring at the two Toppats.

"What makes you think you can stop us?" said Reginald in a mocking way. "There's only four of you and a lot of us."

"Why do ya want Henry anyways? He stopped committing crimes a while ago."

"He is wasting his precious time by being a Government scum instead of being a criminal that belongs with us," explained Reginald bitterly.

"We think he'll have more opportunities if he stays with us," added Right-Hand Man.

Henry winced in pain and he grunted in anger, Rupert pulled him closer to him. The jacket he gave to Henry was red from Henry's blood, he sat Henry up and leaned against his chest. He nuzzled him and he heard laughter coming from Reginald and he gave him a hostile glare. 

"You must be the guy that is using him for his body." teased Reginald. Right-Hand Man glared at Rupert as he and Reginald stepped closer to the pair.

Ellie and Calvin were taken captive by Sven and Carol while Reginald was talking to Rupert, Rupert got his gun but Right shot it out of his hand. He scrambled for the gun Henry had and found it, he aimed the gun at Reginald who was, even more, closer to them. Reginald leaned down and sneered at them.

"Why don't you give him to us and we will let you and your friends go," said Reginald.

Rupert was silent for a moment, lost in thought but gave Reginald the same glare and he snarled "Go to Hell."

Reginald gasped in shock and anger while Right, Ellie, Calvin, Sven, and Carol were dumbfounded. They didn't expect Rupert to say that to him, Right then were about to shoot Rupert until he shot in the back someone else. Everyone turned to see Victoria and Konrad with their guns out and Konrad shot Sven and Carol.

Ellie and Calvin were released and ran to Rupert to help him with Henry, Ellie ripped off one of her sleeves to wrap Henry's wound. Rupert helped Henry stand up and they all ran to the storage exit, he was the only one still holding him when they went back to the helicopter.

As soon as they got to the helicopter, Charles quickly headed back to the base. The General congratulated everyone on the mission and asked Henry if he was alright, Henry answered yes but needed medical help.

Reginald went to help Right Hand Man and commanded medical attention to him, Sven, and Carol. He stared at the helicopter and growled, he was about to help with the medical team until Burt told him some of their records were gone. Reginald wanted to scream cause they stole more evidence from them.

Charles put the helicopter on autopilot and then went to the others, Rupert was getting the bullet out from Henry. Luckily, the bullet wasn't lodged too deep but it hurt like hell and Henry was wincing in pain. Charles sat next to him and put a comforting hand on his uninjured shoulder.

 Ellie and Calvin explained what happened to the General and Victoria while Konrad stood next to his brother in silence, after Rupert got the bullet out he dressed up the wound and put Henry's arm in a sling. Henry smiled at him and thanked him which made Rupert blush a bit.

Charles was watching the display with keen interest, and Rupert was acting like a concerned lover to Henry. He was still upset at Rupert for using Henry and then he found out Calvin also slept with him,  Charles wasn't so sure if he should punch Rupert or Calvin... he'd probably punch them both.

"Hey Hen, you okay buddy?" asked Charles gently. 

Henry turned to Charles and he signed he was fine but in pain, he leaned against Rupert who returned and wrapped his arm around his waist. Charles smiled at the display and Ellie went over to them, she was still angry at Rupert but couldn't help but smile for them. Charles got up and went back to piloting and after a few minutes, they were back at the base.

Everyone got off and the General announced everyone was there and safe, Henry went up to the General to give him something. It was a bunch of files on the Toppats, Galeforce looked at Henry who gave him a smug look.

"Did you steal these from them?" asked Galeforce gingerly. 

"Yes," answered Henry, confidently. Galeforce raised an eyebrow but he shrugged and he went back to his tent to investigate the documents. At least, they got more evidence against the Toppat clan.

Charles, Ellie, Rupert, and the twins went up to him in shock, especially Rupert. He had never even seen Henry go near the files and he was near him the whole time, judging by the smug look on Henry's face, he was probably proud of that steal.

"How did you manage to steal the documents in the first place," questioned Rupert, dumbfounded. "I was near you the whole time."

"I have my ways," he replied. The others stared at him for a moment but then realized he used to be a thief, Rupert was impressed with that. As long he's not stealing anything else, it's fine.

"Hey, are we not gonna talk about the elephant in the room?" asked Ellie impatiently. 

"Yeah," added Charles. "We need to talk about what happened earlier before we rescued Henry." 

Rupert's and Calvin's faces instantly turned red while Henry was confused about why their faces were red. Konrad was scrolling through his phone, talking to June July and ignoring his brother's plight. Rupert became angry again cause he almost forgot Calvin slept with Henry.

"What's going on?" asked Henry in concern.

"Calvin admitted he slept with you and Rupert almost killed him," replied Konrad nonchalantly as possible. 

Henry squeaked in surprise and fear and he turned to Calvin who put his hat down to cover his face in embarrassment, Rupert's face was still red in anger and he wanted to strangle him. 

"You guys slept with Henry and used him," said Charles angrily. "Rupert, you broke his heart, and Calvin, you used sex for solace. He didn't need that."

Rupert crossed his arms in frustration but didn't defend himself cause Charles was right, Calvin looked away from Charles and Henry stood there blankly. Konrad glanced up at his phone sighed and put it away. He and Ellie watched the scene with morbid curiosity.

"Well, do you guys have anything to say? questioned Charles impatiently.

"I apologized to Henry already, a sincere apology," replied Rupert softly.

 Charles turned to Henry to confirm if it was true and he nodded and Charles breathed a sigh of relief. He then looked at Calvin who was still not looking at anyone.

"Calvin?" asked Charles gingerly.

"I was lonely and he was lonely. I wanted to comfort him but I didn't know how," mumbled Calvin. "One thing led to another and we had sex."

Rupert listened to Calvin's explanation and he felt pity for him but he still felt lingering anger towards him for sleeping with Henry.

"I want to say I'm sorry Henry, for taking advantage of you. I shouldn't have done that, I was rejected, and when I saw you...I saw an opportunity." he continued sadly.

Charles knew he hurt Calvin's feelings but he didn't like him like that, but that doesn't excuse him for sleeping with Henry.

"It's fine," said Henry. "I'm at fault as well."

Charles wanted to argue but Henry held up his hand and the conversation was dropped, Victoria came up to them and wanted Charles and Ellie to help her with something. Before they started to leave, Ellie suddenly punched Rupert and Calvin. Konard, Charles, and Victoria laughed at them while Henry was staring at Ellie in shock,  Rupert and Calvin groaned in pain but they felt they deserved it.

Everything is back to normal 

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