Chapter 5: Tensions

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Henry feels guilty upon having sex with Calvin while Rupert scrambles to try to fix things, Charles and Ellie want to know what's going on.

Henry opened his eyes and he sat up, his head pounded. He rubbed his eyes and looked around to see he was not in the tent that he shared with Charles, he also felt a sharp pain in his lower backside. He was confused until last night's memories surfaced in his mind, he blushed and scanned to see Calvin still asleep.

However, a feeling of guilt came to him and he began to panic silently. Why is he in Calvin's bed? How did he get here? 

Henry's POV

Oh my gosh! Why do I keep doing this? Why am I in Calvin's bed? head hurts and my back hurts, I didn't even drink that much. I was so busy worrying about Rupert... I still remembered his words and I wanted to cry.

It's not like he said was wrong, it just hurts. Why did I let myself be used in the first place? Why did I use him? When he brought up the police car incident, he sounded angry and regretful.

I enjoyed our time...

No One's POV

Henry was contemplating his life choices when he heard a noise coming from his right, he turned to see Calvin stirring. Henry began to panic slightly, he wanted to get out of there quietly.

Calvin sat up and yawned, his orange hair was messy and he rubbed his eyes. He turned to look at Henry and blinked at him, for a moment they didn't react until they both jumped away from each other.

"Augh! Did we...?" exclaimed Calvin, gesturing between him and Henry.

Henry slowly nodded and his face became red when Calvin stood up to find his clothes, he saw red scratches on his back. While Calvin is putting his clothes on, the tent flap begins to open and without thinking, he pushes Henry off the bed and quickly puts a blanket over him. Konrad went inside and found Calvin standing there with only his pants on.

"Um...hi are you?" stammered Calvin, he was blushing and panicking at the same time. 

"I'm fine and is there something wrong?" said Konrad tentatively. "Also, sorry I wasn't here last night, I crashed with someone else."

"It's fine...I was just getting up," replied Calvin tiredly. "And, I was in the middle of getting dressed."

Konrad nodded and he noticed something on his back while he was putting on his shirt, he saw red, scratch marks all over him which confused Konrad. He was about to say something to him until Rupert came in, he looked like he hadn't slept. His eyes were shadowed, his hair was messy, and his eyes were red as if he had just cried.

"Have you guys seen Henry?" grunted Rupert lowly.

The boys shook their heads and he growled in frustration and he left. "That was weird," said Konrad, Calvin nodded and told him to wait outside. 

He did as he was told, and as soon as he was out, Calvin went to check on Henry. He was still under the blankets but only his top part was exposed, his face was blank and his eyes went vacant. Calvin helped him up and handed him his clothes, he started to put his clothes on.

Calvin went to the entrance to check if Konrad was still there, he was which he cursed at. Sometimes Konrad will just leave him if he's in a bad mood, the one time he wants Konrad to leave he doesn't do it. Calvin needed to get Henry out of there without being seen, so he came up with a plan.

"Ok Henry, I'm gonna distract my brother and you are going to sneak out of here," said Calvin.

"Ok," replied Henry.

Calvin walked out trying to act casual, he quickly went up to his brother to engage in conversation. While he was doing so, Henry quietly snuck out and went in the other direction. Once, he was out of the twins' vision, he breathed out a sigh of relief. A vibrating noise caught his attention, he looked at his phone to see he had several missed calls and texts from Charles and Ellie.

 They were worried about him and trying to contact him, he slapped his forehead in anger at himself. He texted them that he was alright and waited for a reply, he got a text to meet them near Charles' helicopter. He headed over there and saw them chatting and it looked like Ellie was about to hit Charles with her fist cause he said something stupid, he got over there just in time.

"Hey guys," said Henry, silently wincing in pain. Calvin must fucked him hard last night, they both turned to stare at him in worry.

"Hen! What happened last night with Rupert," asked Charles desperately. "We came out to find you and Rupert in a fight?"

"Yeah." added Ellie, "He looked angry and you were crying, are you ok?"

Henry was to come up with an excuse until he heard a familiar voice, Rupert was coming towards them and he began to panic. He did not want to see Rupert right now, he ran to hide in a bush. He signed to Charles and Ellie to tell Rupert he was never here before they could answer why Rupert came to them.

"Where is he?" questioned Rupert coldly while he was gritting his teeth. "I know he was here, I just saw him."

"Uhh...who?" said Charles, trying to play dumb but failing fantastically. Ellie groaned at him and slapped her forehead, muttering that he was an idiot. Rupert was staring at them in suspicion and bemusement.

"Don't play dumb, I just saw he was with you but where is he?" 

"Why do you need to talk to Henry? Didn't you make him cry last night?" demanded Ellie angrily.

Rupert froze at that question, there was a heavy silence after that. She was right, he did make Henry cry last night but he was trying to make things right. After Henry ran off, he went back to his tent to think. He also tried to sleep but couldn't, his mind was filled with him and Henry and their fight.

"Yes! But I need to talk to him, can you please tell me where is he?" said Rupert desperately. "I have to talk to him as soon as possible."

Charles felt pity and Ellie felt sadness for him, they wanted to help him but Henry told them not to say anything. They glanced at each other and had a silent conversation, they both agreed to lie but to make sure to ask Henry what was going on with him and Rupert.

"No, we don't know where he went," said Charles sadly. He hated lying to Rupert but first, he needed to know what was going on.

"If we see him, we'll let you know," added Ellie softly.

Rupert knew they were lying but it seems Henry doesn't want to talk to him now, not that he blamed him. He did say a lot of mean things to him, he sighed heavily thanked them for their time, and left. Soon after he left, Henry came out of the bushes looking solemn. He slowly walked to Charles and Ellie who were staring at him in confusion.

"Ok Henry, what's going on? demanded Charles. "And don't lie. If you want our help, you have to tell us."

Henry hesitated for a moment, he wanted to tell them but couldn't. He's not ready yet and he still needs to speak with Rupert, he stared at them with sad eyes and sighed.

"I can't...not yet anyways," said Henry. Charles and Ellie wanted to push him but respected his decision.

"Well if you need our help, just ask us," said Charles softly. 

Ellie nodded in agreement and they all headed to do their chores. 

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