Chapter 11: Life is better(Epilogue)

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A/N: This is the final chapter and I'm sad but there will be more stories involving this pairing. I love Rupert and Henry together, they create such an interesting dynamic.

It's been a couple of months since Henry's capture and things have been going pretty well, Henry and Rupert have settled as a couple but Rupert has a lot to make up to Henry. Rupert took him out to dinner, dates, mission-based dates, etc. There's still some lingering tension in the relationship cause of Rupert's anger issues and Henry's past with him, but they manage to make it work.

Some things will never change in the relationship like Henry pushing Rupert's buttons which leads to Rupert giving him "punishments." Henry still has the urge to steal but mostly Rupert's jackets, hat, and dog tags. They also never stopped having sex in places they shouldn't be like in Charles' helicopter, Charles was mad at them and made them clean every inch of his air vehicle.

They had their bad days just like every couple, Rupert will sometimes say things that hurt Henry's feelings and he will immediately comfort him. Henry will also do things that will unintentionally upset Rupert, Henry will give him kisses and hugs to let him know he didn't mean it.

However Rupert's friendship with Calvin has become rocky ever since Calvin admitted he slept with Henry, Rupert will glare at Calvin if he's near Henry and he will be shaking in fear making Henry all confused. Charles and Ellie have given Rupert the shovel talk to not break Henry's heart again or they'll beat the shit out of him.

He told Dave about his new relationship and Dave was happy for him, he wanted to double date with him, Jacob, Rupert, and Henry. They did and it was fun but Rupert threatened Jacob that if he ever broke Dave's heart, he would murder him. Jacob hastily said he would never do that and Henry and Dave were snickering quietly. 

As much as Henry is happy, he gets this bout of depression that he doesn't deserve this, he'll ruin everything like he always does, he feels Rupert can do so much better than him, and he has the urge to self-harm. He used to hurt himself by cutting his arms and that's why he wore hoodies and if he took them off, he always wore long fingerless gloves.

Rupert was worried for him, he noticed Henry's being distant towards him and wanted to help but how? He's going to talk to Charles about this, he went to his tent and Charles let him in.

"What's the matter, Rupert?" asked Charles in concern. 

"It's about Henry," replied Rupert sadly.

"What about him? Is he alright? Are you guys ok?" 

"We're fine but he's acting distant toward me and I'm worried."

"He's been acting distant towards everyone including me and Ellie. I tried talking to him about it but he keeps giving me vague answers."

There was silence after that, looks like Henry is being distant towards everyone. Rupert was even more worried for Henry, what was wrong with Henry? How's he gonna help him if he doesn't know what's wrong? Charles put a comforting hand on him and he smiled at him.

"We'll figure this out, he was a former thief and he probably didn't have a lot of friends," said Charles. 

Rupert nodded and then he remembered something back when they went to rescue Henry from the Toppats.

"Did he tell you he was in a relationship before he joined us?" asked Rupert gently.

Charles blinked for a moment, Henry had never mentioned previous relationships considering he was a criminal and it was rare for criminals to get into relationships. Then again, Henry never talks about his past life. 

"No," replied Charles. "He never mentions any of that stuff to him."

"It was worth a try," said Rupert.

He said goodbye to Charles and he went out of his tent, he walked back to his tent and found it empty. He usually sees Henry in here but he's not, he furrowed his brow pulled out his phone, and texted Henry. He messaged him where is he but hadn't received a response, Rupert was getting worried. 

Before he can panic, Henry replies to his message. He texted Rupert his location and Rupert quickly ran over there, he found him sitting near a broken piece of a white wall. He had his legs pulled up to his chest and he was covering his upper body with his arms, Rupert quietly walked over to him and sat down next to him.

"Oi, what's wrong Henry?" asked Rupert softly and gently. "Yer have been acting distant towards everyone including me."

Henry glanced at him, his eyes red and glossy as if he was crying. Rupert became angry, which made him cry! Despite feeling anger, he wanted to help Henry with his problem. 

"It's complicated," replied Henry, his face full of sadness. "It's a long story."

"I got time." 

Henry explained his story about his previous lover, his depression, self-loathing, and his self-harm. He also told him how he became a thief, how he was an orphan until he got adopted by his dads, why he became a criminal, and how he fell in love with Rupert. 

After he was done explaining, he was sobbing quietly. Rupert was in shock, he never considered what Henry's been through and he finally knew the person he was with before him and now he wanted to find Spike and kill him.

He also felt sadness, pity, and guilt. Henry has been through pain and trauma, Rupert thought at first was a thief who only cared about himself but after hearing his story, he was wrong. Rupert pulled Henry into a hug and Henry hesitated but soon hugged him back.

"It's gonna be okay, I'm here," whispered Rupert softly. "You are safe. I will protect you."

Henry ceased his sobbing and snuggled closer to Rupert who smiled, he lifted his and kissed him on the lips.

Henry kissed back wrapping his arms around Rupert's neck and Rupert wrapped his arms around Henry's waist, they stayed for a few minutes until they pulled away cause they needed air.

They both panted and their faces were red, Henry was feeling better about himself and so was Rupert.

Rupert smirked at Henry who was confused about why Rupert was smirking at him until he tackled him to the ground playfully, he kissed him again which Henry wasn't prepared for.

However, he didn't care cause he was kissing back and it was beginning to look like a makeout session, not that they didn't mind it.

Calvin was walking to find his brother when stumbled upon Rupert and Henry having a "bonding" moment, he groaned at them in disgust.

"GAH! Can't you guys do this somewhere in your tent?" he exclaimed in annoyance.

Rupert flipped the bird at him again just like he did when they had to go rescue Henry from the airship, Henry giggled slightly during the makeout session but they both continued.

They were both in a better place now and both were looking forward to a better future.

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