Chapter 7: A Reveal and A Recuse

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Rupert is in the med bay for his injuries with Dave with him, however, he lets Henry get kidnapped and Charles, Ellie, and the General want to know why. He will have to tell them about their relationship and rescue Henry in the process.

Rupert groaned and opened his eyes, however, blinding lights caused him to close them. He tried to sit up but the pain quickly shot up and he was forced to lie back down.

"Hey, he's awake." said a voice, and a bunch of other voices followed suit.

He opened his eyes and saw his vision was blurry cause he saw blurry figures, he rubbed his eyes and saw the blurry figures were Charles, Ellie, Galeforce, and Dave. The Bukowski twins were also there, they heard what happened so they went to the med bay to check up on Rupert.

"Hey Rupert," said Charles calmly but his face and eyes suggested he was not calm. 

"Price," said Galeforce firmly. His voice sounded angry and Rupert looked at him in fear. "Mr. Panpa told us what happened, is it true?"

Rupert looked around everyone and spotted Dave standing a few feet away from him, he was all bandaged up and was given a new set of clothes cause his old ones were matted and dirty. He was also looking at Rupert, his face was full of sadness and disappointment. 

"Yes," replied Rupert, nodding his head and he felt an amount of guilt and remorse. 

Why did he let Henry get kidnapped? Is part of him still angry at Henry and letting the Toppats take Henry as revenge? 

"Why?" questioned Charles lowly. He was trembling and giving Rupert the most hostile glare that anyone had ever seen before.

Rupert recoiled in fear and shock, he had never seen Charles this angry before. Ellie also looked angry while the twins had confused looks on their faces, Dave and Galeforce had disappointed looks on their faces, Rupert sighed sadly and he knew he was screwed no matter what.

"I...don't know," admitted Rupert sadly and softly. Everyone groaned angrily and Galeforce shook his head in anger, he was very disappointed in Rupert. 

Rupert wondered if he should tell them about his relationship with Henry in the process, but with all of this happening, he should tell them. Rupert knows everyone will either hate him or do something much worse.

"Guys...there's something else I need to tell you," said Rupert, he sat up as he spoke. Everyone glanced at him, they wondered what he's gonna tell them.

"I sorta...been using Henry," muttered Rupert, he bowed his head down in shame. 

"What do you mean you have been using Henry?" demanded Ellie in anger.

"I have been sleeping with him."

"WHAT!?" everyone said in unison.

"And he sorta developed feelings for me in the process but I broke his heart." 

Everyone calmed down for a bit but now were pissed off at Rupert. Calvin, who was listening to the whole conversation silently panicked. That night, he found Henry crying while trying to find a place to do pranks and had his heart broken by Rupert. He also took Henry back to his tent and spent a passionate night together, Calvin felt remorseful about that night. 

"That's... bad Rupert," said Charles trembling. He wanted to punch Rupert but refrained himself from doing it, Ellie also wanted to punch him.

"How long have you guys been doing this?" spoke Dave for the first time since the conversation started.

"Before I quit the police force, our first time was in my police car..." admitted Rupert shamefully. His face turned red and he put on his hat to hide his face. Dave was surprised at that statement, he never thought Rupert could do that for a while now.

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