Chapter 8: Remorseful

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After Burt tells his story of pain and heartache to Henry, he thinks about his choices and he gets rescued by Charles, Ellie, and Rupert. 

Charles started up his helicopter and Ellie, the General, Rupert, the twins, and Captain Victoria hopped in. Everyone strapped in and the helicopter took off, the General explained the plan to recuse Henry. First, they need to find the airship. Second, they need to find his location on the ship. And lastly, get him and escape the airship.

Sounds easy? No, they have to make sure not to get caught. Ellie, Rupert, Calvin, and Konrad volunteered to rescue him, Galeforce, Victoria, and Charles stayed behind even though Charles wanted to go help with the operation. It's been a couple of hours, and everyone was getting desperate.

Everyone was talking and getting more worried about Henry while the only one who wasn't talking was Rupert, he was mostly quiet and no one was even acknowledging him. He doesn't blame them, he was an asshole to Henry. After that day, Rupert was feeling sadness, guilt, anger, and hatred of himself.

Rupert's POV 

God! I hate feelin' like this! But I did this to myself...I hurt Henry badly. I used him and broke his heart, and technically he used me too but I'm the one who kept going instead of breaking it off. 

However...part of me doesn't want to break it off. It sounds stupid but I guess I got attached to Henry, I mean he had this adorable smile, his breathing when he sleeping next to me, his face every time he was offered a cupcake, etc.

Did I fall in love with him? 

Shit! I guess I did...

No One's POV

Rupert groaned and put his hands in his face, he messed everything up! Victoria walked over to him and sat down next to him, she looked over at him in pity. She heard what happened between him and Henry. She stared at him while he still kept his face in his hands, he was muttering angrily to himself and she noticed he was about to cry.

"I screwed up." he wavered. "I messed up so do I fix this?"

Victoria kept staring at him, not saying a word.

"Why am I such an asshole? I had feelings for someone else but didn't return them, I used Henry for my selfish gain. 

He felt warm liquid streaming down his cheek and he was shaking, Victoria moved closer to him but he didn't realize she was there.

"I let him get captured by the stupid, Toppat scum! I never even realized I had feelings for him until now." 

He was sobbing quietly and Victoria had enough of seeing him in pain, she grabbed him and pulled him into a tight embrace. Rupert's eyes widened and he was in shock, he never expected comfort from Victoria, not even a hug from her. 

"It's gonna be okay," whispered Victoria softly. "We're gonna save him and you have to tell him about your feelings for him.

She let go of him and smiled at him, Ellie and the twins came over to them and Ellie who was still angry at him for playing with Henry's emotions also hugged him. The twins stood there but Konrad went up to Rupert and patted him on the shoulder, Calvin was a little hesitant about going near Rupert and the others wondered why.

"Okay, Calvin, what's the matter?" demanded Ellie, crossing her arms. Everyone stared at him patiently as Calvin looked like he wanted to be somewhere else but here.

"Um...I have something to tell you, Rupert. And it involves Henry." he stammered. He looks down at the floor, not meeting Rupert's eyes.

"What about him?" asked Rupert lowly. 

"Please don't kill me about what I am going to say."

"Spit it out already."

"I slept with Henry!" exclaimed Calvin, he was shaking in fear.

Everyone's mouths went agape and there was a heavy silence, Konrad looked at his brother, shaking his head at his brother's idiocy. And he was worried for his brother's safety as he turned to see Rupert's reaction.

Rupert's expression was murderous, and before anyone could stop him. He shot forward and grabbed Calvin by his uniform, he pinned him against the wall and gave Calvin the most hostile glare at him.

"Why would you do that!?" snarled Rupert. Calvin was trembling in fear while Konrad and Victoria were trying to pull Rupert off of him, Ellie and Galeforce were watching the scene with deadpan expressions on their faces. 

Charles's eyes widened at Calvin's confession, he was still piloting so he couldn't see what was happening. Henry always seems to get himself into this type of trouble, is he touch-starved? However, it seems Henry didn't even want the trouble. Henry wanted Rupert but he didn't show it.

He spotted the airship and he shouted for everyone to get ready, Rupert let go of Calvin and ran to the cockpit. He spotted the red, big airship and he glared at it like it was the most hideous thing. Galeforce turned to everyone and assigned everyone their roles, Charles flew Ellie, Rupert, and Calvin to the airship without being seen.

Konrad and Victoria will stay with the General and Charles but keep a lookout on them. They all nodded and Charles went to the airship to get them close but not too close, Ellie shot a grappling hook onto the airship and she and the others slid down and landed on the top of the airship.

Ellie opened the hatch and she landed inside, she looked around and saw they were in the storage where Toppats kept their treasures. Ellie motioned the other two to jump down, as soon as everyone was inside they all headed to find Henry. Charles told them where Henry was located, and Ellie went ahead to get rid of any members, leaving Rupert and Calvin alone.

While they were sneaking around to find Henry, Rupert was still pissed about Calvin sleeping with Henry. How come Henry hadn't told him yet? Was he afraid Rupert might get mad? Well, he did get mad but Henry was avoiding him since that night. Did Calvin see him crying and decided to comfort him by fucking him?

"Why did you sleep with Henry?" whispered Rupert angrily. Calvin jumped at his question and he turned to him in fear.

"I don't know...he was lonely and I was lonely," replied Calvin anxiously. "He was by himself and he was crying. I knew he had his heart broken and I was rejected too so I decided to comfort him."

"By putting your cock in him?" spat Rupert sarcastically.

"Hey. We had a lovely evening together, we both got something out of it." defended Calvin, desperately.

"You took advantage of him!" argued Rupert.

"So did you!"

"This isn't about me."

"See, you're not denying it."

They kept arguing but stopped when they saw the cell where they put the prisoners. Ellie soon catches up with them, and she glares at them.

"Will you boys stop fighting?  Goodness gracious, why did Henry sleep with both of you is beyond me."

Both faces turned red and looked away from each other, Ellie sighed and she went to each cell to check to see if Henry was in there. At the last cell, she saw a figure on the floor, the figure was sitting up and she could see that it was Henry.

"Psst, guys over here." 

Rupert and Calvin went over to her and saw Henry was in the cell, Henry noticed them and went up to the window and he smiled. Rupert used his gun to shoot the handle and kicked the door open. Henry stood up as Rupert and Ellie quickly went in, they both pulled him into a hug.

Ellie pulled away and told Charles that they found Henry, Rupert was still hugging Henry but pulled away and made Henry look at him. He was about to apologize until an alarm was heard, the Toppats knew they were there.

Everyone cursed and ran out to escape.

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