Chapter 4: Rejection

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Rupert feels hurt and betrayed, Henry wants to comfort him but gets rejected too making him feel heartbroken but finds solace in Calvin Bukowski, the last person he thought of to seek comfort.

Charles, Henry, and Ellie were goofing off and playing around. They were having a grand ol' time until they noticed Rupert walking dejectedly. His head was down and his hat was covering his face, he was holding his injured hand with his other hand.

They were all concerned for him, especially Henry. He walked past them without a glance at them, he was still shaking and he hunched as if he wanted to appear small.

"I wonder what's wrong with him?" asked Ellie curiously.

"Yeah, he seems all bummed out," added Charles sadly.

Henry frowned and started to go after him but a hand stopped him, he turned to see Charles holding him back.

"It's best to leave him alone when he's like this," said Charles.

"Why? " questioned Henry.

"Well, you see...Rupert doesn't handle his negative emotions well," explained Charles. "He has anger issues and he would rather hide his feelings rather than confront them."

"That seems unhealthy," said Ellie, who was frowning.

"That's one way of putting it," said Charles sadly. "He needs help controlling these emotions but he refused to get help."

Henry felt bad about Rupert, he never considered the problems that plague him. Before he joined the Government, he caused a lot of trouble for the police officers and security guards. He even caused the death and job firing of Rupert's co-workers, and he felt even more guilty and sad.

"I wonder why that is?" asked Ellie, she was now more curious about Rupert. "He needs help and support."

"Maybe later we can invite him to hang out," said Charles happily.

"Yeah, that will probably cheer him up," added Ellie.

"We can ask him later," said Henry.

They all agreed to ask him later and went back to goofy off until Captain Victoria needed them to do some work, which they all groaned at.

Meanwhile, Rupert went inside his tent and looked around to search for something. He spotted the med kit on a table and he opened it to get bandages to dress up his wound, after he was done he set the med kit down and sat on his bed covering his face with his hands.

He sighed heavily, he felt numb. He never considered the outcome of the situation he will be in, he thought everything would go out great but life doesn't work that way. He never had such good luck when he was growing up, he always have a feeling that life was just screwing him over. He also had problems expressing his negative emotions ever since childhood, he didn't know what to do now.

He lay down on his bed and stared up at the ceiling before he felt his eyes droop close, he fell asleep.

Hours later, he woke up. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, he got up and felt disoriented from his nap. He checked the time and saw it was evening, he swore and was about to get angry at himself until Charles and Henry walked in.

"Hi, Rupert are you feeling ok?" asked Charles softly. "Earlier, we saw you ignored us."

"Yeah, and you seemed sad so we left you alone." signed Henry, with a small smile on his face.

Rupert stared at them for a moment but mostly at Henry, his smile for some reason made Rupert feel...different. A warm kind of difference confused him and felt heat coming to his face, he closed his eyes and ignored the warm feeling.

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