Chapter 9: Apologies and Confessions

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Henry, Rupert, Ellie, and Calvin try to escape but encounter Toppats members who won't let go of Henry easily. 

They all headed out of the cell and ran to find a place to escape, there were some Toppat members already in their path and had guns aiming at them but Calvin and Ellie shot them. They kept running till a group of Toppat stopped in their path, and the one in front stepped forward to them. 

He wore an all-blue suit except for the white shirt and the black tie, he had blonde hair and was wearing a blue top hat.

"Hold it there," he said in a Swedish accent. He held up a pistol and he aimed it at them, he was angry and looked like he hadn't slept in days.

"You're not going anywhere." 

"Oh yeah? How are you gonna stop us?" asked Ellie mockingly. 

"Carol, shoot her," he commanded a female toppat. She went to shoot Ellie but Ellie kicked her gun and tackled her to the ground.

"Who the fuck are you?" growled Rupert.

The man saw Ellie tackle Carol and he turned to Rupert and he smirked evilly.

"The name is Sven Svensson," he replied.

Calvin shot the other members but Sven dodged, Calvin turned to Rupert and Henry and told them he'll handle this and to leave. Rupert nodded and he grabbed Henry's hand and made a getaway.

Sven got into his comms. to message everyone that there were two governments on the loose,  Burt who was listening was searching for them and spotted them running to the files. At first, he was debating letting Sven know but decided to confront them instead.

He stood up got his gun and headed off to the files room. Rupert and Henry stopped in the file room, they were catching their breaths and Rupert looked around. He noticed a ton of files and he went to Henry, he noticed Henry's clothes were disheveled, he had a few scratches and bruises on him, and his hair was messy.

"Hey, are ya ok?" asked Rupert softly. Henry nodded and he rubbed his arms as he was cold. Rupert took off his jacket and put it on Henry's shoulders, he blushed and put it on.

"Hey I need to say something to you," said Rupert softly again.

"What?" said Henry, using his voice for the first time surprising him and Rupert. Rupert's face turned red as Henry spoke.

"I'm so sorry for hurting you, saying those mean things, and letting you get captured."

As he said that, he bowed his head in shame. Henry was staring at him and he threw his arms around his neck and hugged him, Rupert froze for a moment but he wrapped his arms around Henry's waist. 

They were hugging and Rupert lifted Henry's chin which made Henry stare at him.

"There's also else...I want to tell you,"  he whispered.


They both jumped apart from each other, faces red when they spotted someone by the door. It was Burt who was watching them with keen interest. Rupert stood between Henry and Burt, he was glaring at Burt but he was unfazed. 

"What do ya want?" demanded Rupert.

"To talk," replied Burt in his monotone voice.

"About what?"

"About you. Him. Your relationship in general."

Rupert and Henry stared at him in shock and confusion, they weren't expecting that to come out of his mouth. He locked the doors pulled out a gun and set it on the table that was in the file room, he sat down on a chair and waited for Rupert and Henry to sit down.

They were both still confused but sat down too, there was an awkward silence after that. Burt was looking at Henry and then at Rupert, Henry was looking at Rupert and Burt. Rupert wanted to get Henry out of this place but he was trapped and so was Henry, he bowed down and stared at his boots.

"So Henry...why did you let yourself get into a relationship with this guy," questioned Burt, his voice still monotone but Henry could hear a hint of anger in his voice.

Henry was about to answer until Rupert glanced up and his face was full of anger, "None of ya business!" he bellowed.

Burt ignored him and waited for Henry to speak, Henry wasn't so sure how to answer him. He glanced at him and then at Rupert who was also waiting for an answer from him, Henry sighed heavily and gave Burt a look.

"I was getting over someone...who used me as any criminal did. I wanted to feel loved again and every time I get captured by Rupert, he was not like the other people... he was special," explained Henry.

Rupert furrowed his brow and he thought to himself, "He was getting over someone? Who was this person? Is that why he started flirting with me?".

"And I love to push his buttons and that one time I pushed him too far, he pulled over to the police car and made his partner get out and I kissed him."  he continued. 

Rupert pulled his hat down and he knew what's gonna say next, Burt was listening to the "interesting" conversation and was observing Rupert's reaction. Henry didn't tell him about the lover he was getting over.

"Then we fucked in the back of the police car."

Burt gave a side glance at Rupert who looked like he wanted to kill himself in embarrassment, Henry's face had become so red he looked like he was a tomato. Henry continued the story and after he was done, he had a blank face and his eyes were vacant. 

Rupert's face was also blank, he was looking at his hands and Burt studied their story and got an answer. He cleared his throat and got their attention, he got confused looks and they also had the expression saying "What the fuck is this?".

"Okay Rupert, do you love him?" asked Burt firmly. "And Henry, do you love him?"

Both of them froze under that question and glanced at each other but quickly turned away from each other, Burt closed his eyes in frustration and sighed. He got up and opened the doors, he began to leave the room but turned to them and gave them a serious look.

"You guys better figure your shit out before it gets worse." 

Without another word, he left leaving them by themselves. They both stood up and Rupert noticed that Burt conveniently left his gun, he picked it up and handed it over to Henry who grabbed it. Before Henry started to leave, Rupert grabbed him and pulled against his chest.

Henry glanced up at him and felt arms wrapped around his waist, Rupert was staring at him with intense emotion, and before he could say anything Rupert interrupted him.

"I love you," he said softly.

He then leaned forward, closed his eyes, and kissed him on the lips. Henry was surprised by the action but closed his eyes and kissed back, he put his hand on Rupert's cheek and the other on his black, spiky hair.

Rupert pulled Henry closer to continue kissing him, their tongues battle for dominance and they both moaned in response. They both pulled away for air but their saliva was connected by their tongues.

They both kissed again, they were so busy kissing each other that they had forgotten about the chaos that was surrounding them.

Calvin was running to find Rupert and Henry while Ellie was still fighting off some Toppat members, he ran past the file room but stopped when he noticed two people in there kissing.

It was them!

He walked in and groaned at them in annoyance. "Guys! This is not the time to be making out!" he shouted at them.

Rupert flipped the bird at Calvin and kept kissing Henry until Ellie found them and shouted for everyone to get out of there, they got back to the storage and found the door was opened by Charles. Charles moved closer and the General, Victoria, and Konrad shot out grappling hooks, before any of them could slide to the helicopter, a bullet whizzed into Henry's shoulder.

"Henry!" exclaimed Rupert and Ellie in unison, Rupert was holding Henry while Ellie was checking his wound. Henry was grunting in pain and he was bleeding.

"Well, well, well." said a voice, the tone was sinister.

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