Chapter 6: A Capture

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Rupert finally confronts Henry and tries to fix things with him but Henry reluctantly doesn't want him to, however, things become tense when the Toppat Clan comes for Henry.

Henry was sitting alone beside a piece of white wall, he was drawing in the dirt with his switchblade. He absentmindedly drew circles and random stuff like butterflies, he was still avoiding Rupert.

Earlier, he heard Rupert's tone and he sounded desperate. He wondered if he also felt remorseful...he doubted it.

A ladybug landed on his hand and he observed it wistfully, he wished he was the ladybug right now. A carefree bug with nothing to worry about, bugs didn't have to worry about relationship trouble.

He thought about his previous relationship, back when he was still a criminal. The person he was with before wasn't...a good person to say at least.

His name was Spike, he was a leader of a gang called the Rejects. Spike was mean, manipulated, charismatic, and had a high opinion of himself.

How he managed to get with Spike in the first place was a mystery to Henry, he was desperate for companionship so he saw an opportunity.

Henry was in love with him even though Spike was bad news, however, the relationship became more unhealthy and abusive as time went on.

Henry was lucky to get out of there as soon as possible, but since then he has had trust issues. Not until he got arrested by Rupert Price, for some reason he wanted to connect with him.

So he started flirting with him, then it led to one of the best sex he had. Then when Henry joined the Government, he and Rupert started a friends-with-benefits relationship.

Henry promised himself that he wouldn't fall in love after what happened with Spike but he managed to fall in love with Rupert, however, he suspected that Rupert didn't feel the same way and he was right.

His words came into his mind and he wanted to sob but couldn't. He was numb and wanted to go crawl into a cave and die, he also slept with Calvin which made him angry at himself.

He sighed and blew the ladybug away, he watched it fly and he went back to doodling. He was so busy mulling over his problems that he didn't hear footsteps coming towards him.

Rupert came up to him quietly and he sat down next to him, he stared at him but Henry didn't look at him. Rupert cleared his throat and Henry glanced up at him in fear.

"You ok?" asked Rupert tentatively.

Henry shrugged his shoulders and went back to drawing, Rupert bowed his head down and stared at Henry's drawings.

"Look, I...I...wanted to say..." stammered Rupert, he was struggling to talk.

Henry glanced up at him again, he watched as Rupert was struggling to say what he wanted to say. Rupert was getting nervous, he didn't think of a way to talk to him.

Henry was getting annoyed with him, so he stood up making Rupert jump in surprise. He started to walk until Rupert roughly grabbed his arm, and he was immediately pulled into Rupert's chest.

He tried to get away from him but Rupert's grip was strong, he quickly wrapped his arms around his waist. Henry stopped and he blushed, Rupert also blushed.

Rupert didn't plan on doing this but it made Henry stop. They both stayed like that for a couple of minutes until Henry made a noise that snapped them out of their fantasy world.

"Why do we keep doing this?" whispered Henry.

"I don't know..." replied Rupert.

They still stayed like that for a few more minutes, until a noise interrupted them. They both turned to see the source of the noise but didn't see anything.

Rupert got out the gun he carried if he didn't have his sniper, Henry also got his gun. They both took an attack stance and suddenly a dart came toward them.

They both dodged and the dart landed on the ground, Rupert saw two Toppat members coming out. They were about to shoot until Rupert shot their dart guns from their hands, they rubbed their sore hands got out their daggers, and started to attack them. Henry grabbed his dagger and dodged it, he kicked the other's dagger and before he could go farther into fighting the Toppat, a pair of arms grabbed him.

They wrapped around his neck and a click of a gun stopped everyone in their tracks, Rupert turned to see Henry capture a tall man with a red long mustache and a black top hat. He was wearing a fancy beige suit signaling his status as one of the higher-ups of the Toppat clan, the other two Toppats bowed and seized Rupert.

"Who the fuck are ya?" exclaimed Rupert as he was struggling to get free. 

"Heh heh, the name's is Right Hand Man," he replied darkly.

He tightened his hold on Henry making him wince, and Rupert's face fell with sadness and anger. 

"What do ya want?" demanded Rupert, he was still struggling. "How did ya manage to find us, without detecting the others?"

Right chuckled as he watched Rupert trying to escape his minions' grip but failing, he looked down to see Henry was also trying to escape but couldn't cause of his strong grip. He smirked at him and Rupert and resumed speaking with them.

"We want him," he admitted evilly, gesturing to Henry.

"Why?" asked Rupert, he was bewildered on why they needed Henry. He hadn't committed crimes since he was pardoned by the Government.

"He was one the best criminals in history and he wasted on being a pathetic, government scum. We need him for our clan." 

Rupert snarled at them and began to fight the Toppats again when Right told him something that made him freeze in fear, "Nah uh, not so fast." he said lowly. He used his head to signal some other Toppats to come out.

"We think you might be interested in a little trade." 

When the other members came out, they were holding a hostage but not just any hostage; It was Dave Panpa.

Dave was struggling and he gasped in shock when he saw Rupert and Henry, he was glad to see Rupert and was confused about why Henry was there. He was also crying and he looked like a wreck, Rupert growled again.

"You seem like you know our hostage." sneered Right-Hand Man. "Here's the deal. We will give you him if you give us Henry."

There was a heavy silence after that ultimatum, Rupert felt his heart stop and trembled for a bit in rage. He was given a choice... a tough choice, it was like time went slow and everything else was put into mute. 

Rupert was contemplating his choices; if he chose Henry, Dave would be their prisoner. If he chose Dave, he'd be set free and they would have Henry. Rupert glanced at Henry and Dave, they both had worried looks on their faces. He sighed heavily and bowed his head in shame.

"Release Dave," whispered Rupert softly. 

"What?" asked Right gleefully.

"Release Dave!" bellowed Rupert, making everyone including Henry gasp in surprise.

"Excellent, good choice." he chuckled happily. Right motioned the two holding Dave to let him go, they released him and he ran far away from them.

"Okay men, let's go. We have what we came for," said Right. He pulled out a syringe with a green liquid and jabbed it into Henry's neck, Henry was silently crying and he fell asleep.  

The two members holding Rupert let go of him to follow Right Hand Man, who was carrying Henry bridle style, and turned around to smirk at Rupert who went to Dave.

"Before I go, here's a little present from me for being so helpful." he laughed sarcastically. Just then, he held up a laser gun and shot Rupert.

Rupert landed hard against the back of the tree and Dave quickly screamed and went to him to check on him, The Toppats left and Dave shook Rupert to get him to stay awake, Rupert was losing consciousness.

"Why did you do that?" exclaimed Dave while panicking, but his words were muffled by Rupert.

His world went black and he passed out in pain.  

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