Oletus Manor

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The rain pounded hard against Eli's head when he finally arrived at the gate to the Oletus Manor. He tried his hardest to cover Brooke Rose from the drops but it was pouring much too hard for anything to be done.

He stood, waiting for anyone to come and let him in. He still clutched the invitation in his hand. He hadn't brought much anything else with him. Just the letter, Brooke, and a small faded picture of his lovely fiancé in his belt pouch. Before he could call out to see if anyone was around, the gates opened.

"Peculiar" he mumbled to himself.

He'd never seen gates open on their own. But it was too late to turn back now.

He continued up the path to the manors doorway. The place was much larger than he initially thought. He continued to take in his surroundings, a dreaded feeling beginning to rise on his shoulders. Before he knew it his head began to pound, and his heart was beating out of his chest.

"It must be the cold" he said, trying his hardest to reassure himself.

Brooke nudged into his head slightly, clearly wanting him to go in. So he knocked at the front door.

To Eli's surprise it immediately swung open. He stood face to face with what seemed to be a woman slightly older than him. Her hair was a reddish brown, tied back into a bun. She seemed to be wearing a basic medic outfit, assuming she was some sort of doctor.

"Please step inside before you get too cold" she told Eli. The woman grabbed both his hands and dragged him into the manor. She reached to her side, taking an old towel hanging from a coat rack, allowing Eli to dry off.

She must have been expecting him.

"How did you know I would need this?" Eli questioned.

The woman turned back to face Eli, forcing a smile to the best of her abilities.

"We're always notified of a new survivors arrival."

Survivor? We? Eli's head started to pound again. Before he could say anything the lady took his arm again and began to lead him down the hallway.

"I know you probably have many questions and they'll all be answered soon but for right now I need to follow me" she instructed.

Normally Eli would have been put off by this kind of behavior. However when he looked into the woman's eyes, he felt as if he'd known her forever. He knew whatever she planned for him was in his best interest. Despite her tone of urgency she still radiated a kind energy.

Before Eli knew it, the lady had led him to what he presumed to be a dining hall. Before him stood many other people, people he'd never seen the before.

Some looked kind, others looked cautious. However all shared one trait.

They looked as if they pitied him.

The woman let go of Eli's arm and walked back to join the group of others.

"I'm sorry I never got to introduce myself but my name is Emily Dyer" she stated. "I work as a Doctor here in the manor and my main priority is to take care of the others".

Eli stood in silence as the others continued to stare. It was clear they were all waiting for him to introduce himself.

"My name is Eli Clark" he started, "I'm a Seer who's come to this manor to look for answers behind some of my most recent visions".

They all continued to stare at him. A few turned towards each other, giving silent glares as to what their impressions were. Others only looked down.

He watched as one of them raised her hand. She wore a simple outfit, topped off with a green gardening apron and simple straw hat.

"Why is there an owl on your shoulder?" she pondered, seeming genuinely curious.

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