And So it Begins (Part 1)

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It stung

A lot

Emily continued to apply the pressure onto Kevin's wound as Eli helped find the gauze. Although one couldn't die within the manor, minor injuries were sustained from matches depending on how brutal they were.

Most of the time the injuries would immediately heal once the survivor returned to the manor. Any healing done within the match would cary back. However there was almost always someone who got the rough ends of a game, usually needing Emily's assistance afterwards.

As Eli had just learned, Kevin went up against Jack the Ripper, a hunter he heard quite a bit about. This hunter not only gave a deadly strike, but could also go completely invisible, able to sneak up on the unsuspecting survivors.

"You must be more careful next time" Emily told the Cowboy softly as she finally released the cloth from the mans bleeding arm. The scars seemed to be closing up now, all apart of the manors mysterious abilities.

Eli passed the gauze to Emily and helped in finally wrapping the wounds.

"It shouldn't be too bad", Emily continued as she finally closed off the bandage. "I suggest leaving it on for the rest of the day, if my predictions are correct they should be fully healed tomorrow".

With that, Kevin stood up from the medical bench he first sat upon, ready to exit the manors clinic. Before he left however, he gave Emily a slight hug, behind it a silent thank you before finally exiting.

Eli couldn't help but smile at such a small romantic gesture.

It was no secret that Kevin had a crush on Emily. Although he was quite the flirt with the other woman in the manor (as Eli picked up he was actually quite the charmer), it was Emily who captivated the mans affections.

And as for her?

Well she tried her best to deny them. However Eli knew that she too held a deep care for the man.

It was especially apparent by how red her cheeks were.

"You know when I first met my fiancé Gertrude, I would always turn red. She used to pick on me saying I looked like a tomato" Eli began to tell Emily as he helped her rearrange her supplies.

"Is that so?" she mumbled, knowing what the Seer was trying to do.

Before the man could go any further with his romantic tales, the two were met with Tracy at the clinics doorway.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything important, but the matches for today have been given to us" Tracy stated, holding a small sheet of paper in her hands.

"I was reading through the names and it seems like you have your first match today Mr. Clark!" Tracy exclaimed, before walking in to hand Emily the list.

"It seems to be within the next two hours" Emily told the Seer, as she continued to read through all the assigned matches.

"Naib Subedar, Helena Adams, Aesop Carl, Eli Clark" she mumbled, before her eyes were lead to the hunter they would be going against.

Emily froze, only for a second, not wanting to show the obvious fear she had for the poor boy now.

"Joseph Desauliner" she read aloud.

"Ah the Photographer" Eli nodded, before sitting down to process what information he was just given.

Almost everyone in the manor made sure he knew of this hunter.

As Naib had explained to him awhile back, Joseph was one to fear. For starters, he was quite the strong hunter. Not only did he cause a great deal of damage within their reality, but within his photo realm he could still attack the others. There was no way any of the survivors could defend themselves from these attacks, unless they were able to hide in time before a photo was taken.

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