And So it Begins (Part 2)

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Eli immediately wrapped Aesop's arm around his shoulder, leading him to the shack close by them. Once they got in, he gently set Aesop down and began to heal him.

He heard as Naib pinged a message from their communicators "The Hunter is Near Me" it said. Eli felt relived, knowing this would give him enough time to finish healing the Embalmer.

Just as Eli reached his hand out to help Aesop up, he heard the sound of another message from Naib.

"The Hunter has changed targets, Beware"

The Seer felt as his heart began to beat out of its chest, looking over to see Aesop shaking as well.

"Run" he instructed the Embalmer, while keeping his own feet planted.

Aesop quickly did as told, making way to the shacks exit, running as quickly as he could. Eli then turned his head, another face meeting his.

The Photographer.


How long had Eli been containing Joseph for, Aesop couldn't remember. He continued to decode, now being down to two ciphers left.

Once he finished the cipher he had been working on he ran to the exit gate, placing down his coffin. And with that he began his work.

This was much different than what he was used to back at the mortuary. Instead of being given a person he was substituted with a practice dummy, one he was familiar with while working under Jerry in his youth. He took his makeup brush, gently sculpting and shaping the Seers face, quickly moving onto the body.

As he finished he heard Helena ping a message, sixty percent finished with her cipher.

And all was going according to plan.

Eli couldn't keep this up much longer. Brooke had already protected him earlier, still clutching to the wound he faced after getting hit the first time. His breath felt heave and his knees go weak before falling to the snow.

"You put up quite the fight for your first match" Joseph taunted, swinging his sword to Eli's side, cutting a deep mark.

Eli screamed out in pain as Brooke screeched, flying away from her masters body. Just as she did the last cipher popped, both exit gates ready to be opened. Joseph picked up Eli's body, dragging it to the nearest chair before tying him down.

Eli felt as the barbed wire cut into his already damaged skin, any struggling proving to be futile as it only caused the cuts to become deeper.

Just as Eli had given up hope, hearing both Aesop and Naib ping that the exit gates were open, he felt a gooey substance drip down his arm. It continued over his body, clouding his very vision.

As he opened his eyes he found himself face to face with Aesop, heart beating once more.

"You saved my life so I'm saving yours" Aesop stated, pushing Eli towards the gate, hoping to give him a head start.

Eli watched as Brooke returned to his shoulder, Aesop running away from the gate as fast as he could, not wanting to lead the Photographer to the Seer.

Aesop looked back one last time, stopping to tell Eli a last few words.

"I'm sorry"

And with that Aesop disappeared in this distance. Eli turned back to face the gate, knowing there was nothing he could do now except run and hope that Aesop would make it to the dungeon in time.

Aesop continued running, feeling Joseph close behind him. Aesop knew he couldn't run for much longer, before finding himself tripping and falling onto his knees.

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