To Rise and to Fall

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Eli looked up as snow began to fall around him. He listened as what he could have sworn was a faint Christmas tune played in the distance.

However that was cut off by a blood curdling scream.

The Seer quickly turned his head to the noise, listening as what seemed to be a woman's voice, one he'd never heard within the manor, bawled out.

Eli listens as she screamed something, each one mixed with sobs and pleas.

He tried running to the source of the noise,  but as he ran the world around him began to dissipate. Eli could barely move now, the snow seemingly turning to that of quicksand.

He continued listening as the woman was begging for something.

Help? Was she hurt? Was someone else hurt?

The screams turned into cries as her voice grew fainter and fainter within the distance.

But before this nightmare could end, he heard the woman scream out one last set of words.

And that was Aesop's name.

Eli was quickly awoken by the sudden vision. He looked around, forgetting where he was in the first place.

He listened outside as rain continued to patter, however the storm had passed.


The Seer remembered now. Had he fallen asleep alongside the man? 

He quickly looked down, being careful not to cause any sudden movements. And surely enough there lied Aesop, snuggled comfortably against the Seers chest.

Oh no

Eli felt as his heart began to beat faster. How could he have allowed himself to fall asleep so easily? Let alone next to the Embalmer, who would surely be upset once he was awake.

The Seer tried to relax, but it had become much too hard, many thoughts now rushing through his head.

Sure this was the first time he had gotten somewhat proper sleep since he had arrived, but at the cost of what?

He had to think quickly. Maybe if the man moved himself every few seconds he could leave without disturbing Aesop.

But as he continued to think things over, he failed to realize the man below him was already stirring awake.

"E-Eli?" He heard Aesop mumble, the mans head still buried in his chest.

Eli froze. There was nothing he could do now. Either get up and leave or answer.

The Seer listened as he heard a small murmur from the man as he shifted slightly. 

He decided to answer.

"Sorry I hadn't realized I fell asleep"

All he heard in response was a small grunt from the half asleep man.

"Here, I- I'll leave so you can get proper rest" Eli whispered out as he began to sit up.

However Eli was interrupted once again, the man at his side letting out a soft yawn before placing his head back near the mans chest.

"Don't" the Embalmer mumbled out, once again finding himself overtaken by a somnolent wave.

Aesop adjusted himself back to where he was before, quickly falling back into his peaceful slumber, lulled to sleep by the heartbeats of the man above him. 

Eli let out a soft sigh. Sure he knew the man was probably too tired to register the events but the Seer was honestly exhausted enough to not care.

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