Silent Rose

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The moon shone brightly against the courtyard that night. Unlike other nights, this one was soft and quiet.

One could swear they heard the sound of a butterfly's wings beat.

Most survivors at this time were well off to rest. A handful would stay the night in another's room, for well needed company.

For instance, Emma Woods and Tracy Reznik silently chatted away as they cuddled close for comfort, waiting for sleep to finally wash over them.

On the other hand there was Vera Nair, wide awake in her room, smoking out the open window.

For the hunters however, it was a different story.

Considering most all of the hunters there were "dead", sleep was meaningless. After all, souls can't be put to rest any further.

And that was why Michiko stood in the courtyard, admiring the beautiful moon.

It was nights like these that took her back to when she first met her husband. How instantly they fell in love.

Every other night the couple would dance together under the moon, simply enjoying each other's company.

The Geisha opened the fan she always kept by her side and began to twirl it gently. Soon she was allowing the rest of her body to dance along.

A flick of the wrist here, a twirl there. As she concluded the small dance session she felt a wave of sadness wash over her.

It just wasn't the same without Miles.

Usually she was able to contain her emotions, but something about tonight was different.

She sat down at the small rock ledge and let her head to fall into her hands.

And Michiko cried.

Which soon turned into loud weeping and wailing. The once quiet night was now filled with the poor Geishas cries, cries that she knew would never be answered.

Eli was awoken by the sound of a woman's faint sobs.

Not that it mattered, the man was struggling to sleep already.

His first option was to ignore them. He allowed himself to get comfortable again, putting his pillow above his head.

But the cries only seemed to become louder.

And these were no normal weeps. The sound of the woman's wails shook the Seers soul.

So the man decided to investigate the source of what had awoken him this night.

As Eli stood up and walked to the door, Brooke flew to his shoulder. He gently turned the knob, wanting to keep any noise to an absolute minimum, and allowed himself to leave.

Eli continued down the hallway, trying his best to follow the source of the noise. Just as he was about to make his next turn, he stopped at the clinic.

The door was open. Not by much, only the slightest bit.

One part of Eli wanted to go in and see if the Embalmer was okay. The other part of him felt as if he should leave the situation be.

He decided it was best to leave, so he continued on, telling himself no to pay anymore attention to the clinic that night.

Michiko's cries soon grew silent once she heard the sound of the grass faintly rustling. She lifted her head up once more, turning to find the source of the noise.

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