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               The next day, I got up early. I walk out and to my surprise. Magnus was already up. I try to pass him but I hear him stand up and then him start to walk towards me. A separate voice calls out "Hey, Soldier!! You're awake!! Great!!! I've got something to show ya!!!" The bot zooms past me "Come on!!!" It was Smokescreen. I go to follow him but another voice stops me "Soldier." I look back to see Ratchet "I need to check something on you. You mind coming over?" I agree blindly and walk over. Magnus growls and Smokescreen whines. I sit on a metal block and Ratchet scans my throat "No injuries. Good. How is it feeling? Bulkhead has a hard grip." I reply "I'm fine. A wrecker can't harm me that easily. I was just letting him because I deserved it. After all I did kill Roadbuster." He looks to me shocked. I make eye contact "He doesn't need to know that." I sternly tell him. Ratchet agrees.

Everyone comes outside to upper level and once everyone was here, Fowler bursts in and says that trouble happened with the cons. Seems my dad.... My other dad... my evil one, was planning to build something. Another few hours go by and Fowler runs in again to announce that they were IN progress this time. Magnus wanted to go with us but my dad and Ratchet specifically told him not to. We then all ran through together, transforming and driving through, but me flying.

              There was a small amount of vehicons which we had no problem with... however, a bridge appeared behind them. I started to get shot at and I turn around to see Soundwave. I burst off and he follows, shooting at me. He then hits me and I go to the ground. I transform and land on my feet as he gets to the ground as well. We begin fighting and he then shocks me. A ton of things happened to me at that moment but I hadn't realized due to the massive processor ache I was given. I drop to my knees and pant, before getting out my katana and trying to swing it at him but he kicks it out of my hand and then kicks me onto my side. My mask ejects and he brings a tentacle down on me, wrapping it around my throat. I tried to remove it but it started to move back and forth. Constricting and unwinding. The pulses in the tube felt strange against my plating. I continue to try to pull it off but the movement kept making me feel weaker.

             I then see Soundwave get shot and he drops me to which I take my other katana and chop his tentacle off. I then see Jackie try to hit him. The con just transformed and tried to fly but ending up zooming into power lines above us. He then falls to the ground, under a surge of electricity. "Karmas a bitch, Faceless." I tell him as he falls unconscious. Wheeljack laughed beside me. I look at him "It's true. It's not a joke." He adds "I know."

             Another voice is heard "Good work you 2." My prime dad states. I place a hand on my chassis and nod. Jackie places his servos on his hips "All in a days work, chief." My dad then calls base "Ratchet, reopen the groundbridge but insure that the humans are kept at a safe distance for we will be returning with a decepticon prisoner."

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