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                Later on, Ratchet repairs my wounds but not as quickly as I wanted. He forged them the best he could but he then had to wrap my wounds from excess energon leakage. "You're staying here until further notice." He growls. I go to stand and he continues "And if you think about leaving or harming one of us, I will do more damage than what you came here with." I sit back down and cross my arms. 

              I look at my side and space out. Ratchet sees me and asks "What's wrong?" I quietly say "Would wheeljack do the same?" "What now?" He asks. I shake my helm "Nothing..." 

           The humans talk to each other as they race their cars, "Are you okay, Miko?" says the tallest. The girl nods and says "Just a slight burn. I-I've done worse." I look away and stay silent. 

                Then a call comes in. "PRIME!!?? Do you read me?" All of us walk over and Ratchet says "Im sorry, Agent Fowler. Optimus isn't here at the moment." The human replies "Then I'll take that as a comfirmation that he's presently trying to run me off the road!!" Ratchet reasons "Agent Fowler, that hardly seems likely." "Tell that to my burning treads!!" Agent Fowler says.

          I roll my optics "It's likely a certain con I know. You said it's exactly like Prime?" Fowler reponds "Yes!! That's exactly who!! Which con in Megatron's army looks like him that we don't know about?" I explain "It's likely to be Shadow Prime if he's at your tail this late at night. He likes to travel the roads in the darkness. One so he stays hidden. Has he been coming out of no where to attack you?" Fowler says "Well he got passed the gate somehow. What are you going on about?" "Shadow Prime came teleport with the help of shadows. The only place you're safe from him is an intensely bright place or broad daylight."  I declare. "He can teleport!?" The 3 smaller humans gasp in unison. I nod "Thats why he has Shadow in his name." "But how is he a prime?" Ratchet asks. 

               A familiar voice says "I'm his shadow." I turn around to see him against the wall in the dark corner. "Greetings." He says again. I wave "Hello, Shadow Prime. I take your presence as an answer that the military human isn't being chased by you." Shadow Prime shakes his helm "I've been driving around Cal on a business run for the past few hours. I sensed that you mentioned me so I zoomed on over here." I nod and look to the 3 autobots "You 3 go save your human. Me and Shadow are going out. Peace." I say leaving with the black mech.

                  "So, you joined the autobots." He says, once we get outside. "No. Im just in there for my injuries." I say. Shadow takes me around the silo to where he pulled off a tarp to show his trailer. "You can't fly because of your rotor injuries from what I see and I can't shadow you currently so Im using this to get you to our base." He declares. I nod and he opens the back to which I crawl in. "Spacy." I say. "Mhm." Is his only response. He closes it and I hear him transform. The trailer shakes as he starts driving. Finnaly I'm with someone who understands me.

Shadow Prime's trailer (quick edit) 

Shadow Prime's trailer (quick edit) 

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Shadow Prime's alt

Shadow Prime's alt

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