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I just want to point out that ths chapter is really shitty so if you want a chapter that's relatively good go to the later chapters. However shitty this chapter is, im not deleting it because this is my first fanfiction thank youu

Warning: minor cussing

A mad and annoyed Harry James Potter is currently laying down at his bed at 12 Grimmauld place ,wondering how it got to this. Last year a death eater, Bart Crouch Jr dressed as Mad Eye Moody put his name into the Goblet of Fire forcing him to enter the Triwizard Tournament .

Now you might think, what a brilliant start to a year isn't it? Being forced to enter some deadly competition that has been banned for a reason, That's sarcasm if you didn't notice. Anyways, the whole thing turned out to be a planned orchestrated by Voldemort for his return in the graveyard .

Time skip to right now, the ministry is labeling him as some attention seeking mentally unstable brat. 'What a brilliant life I have going on' Harry thought sarcastically.

 'Ugh why can't I have just gotten the cup for myself 'He thought, 'Then Cedric wouldn't have died.' Cedric.

Harry groaned.

Memory burned to his mind, afterall, it's hard not to remember it when you have nightmares every bloody day about it.

Cedric being hit by the killing curse, The ritual, Volemort rising from the Cauldron, Cloaked Death eaters ............


Wait a damn minute

Cloaked Deatheaters ........


Harry sat up. That's It! cloaked deatheaters ! 'How could I have been so stupid!' He wondered anyways Harry quickly rushed towards his trunk taking out a parchment and a quill. and started to write 

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Harry finished writting with a smile on his face and, without  hesitation, rushed downstairs .

BANG ! the door launched open revealing a beaming Harry Potter to the order members.

"POTTER! Arrogant attention seeking brat just like your father! Barging into things! Don't you have eyes? Can't you see we're doing a meeting? We don't have time listening to your stupid storie-" "That's enough Severus." Dumbledore said interrupting Snape.

"Harry m boy, what are you doing here? " Dumbledore said twinkling eyes avoiding Harry's gaze.

"Harry dear, You're supposed to be with Ron and Hermione! These aren't things you should burden yourself with. Did you get lost?" Cooed Molly Weasley.

" Remus would you mind escorting young Harry upstairs?" Dumbledore asked turning his attention to Remus.

This seemed to shake Harry out of his stupor because before he could say anything, Harry  stated "I have a question"

"Potter! Can't you wait? Aren't you a genius that doesn't need our help? Arroga-" and yet again Snape was cut off.

"Can't it wait for later? " Mad eye said.

Harry Potter One shotss *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now