how y/n became draco's gf part 1

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Hi!! so this is for @JulzLovDraco4Eva. Before I get into this, I just wanna say that if this bad I'm sorry bc I almost to never read stories abt y/n or about draco and my english is also 2nd language so im rlly sorry if this is badd


"Draco..." I said, smiling dorkily... dorkily? is that even a word? Never mind. " I continued to stare at the Slytherin boy admiring him before...


An owl crashed infront of me, covering me in gravy. I grumbled. 

" I never knew you liked gravy so much y/n" 

I looked up and saw the Gryffindor golden boy, Harry Potter chuckling at me.

"Shut up Harry" I groaned. Of course this happens. Honestly, I hate mornings.

"You better change y/n we have potions with the snakes next and being late to Snape's is practically suicide." one Ronald Weasley said.

"Urghhh! I know Ron!" I grabbed my gravy-covered books and was about to head out when I remembered the owl. With building anger, I snatched the letter from the owl storming out of the great hall.


I really hate mornings.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Time skip to after y/n changed

Now that I'm not covered in gravy, I looked at the letter that caused all of this I grabbed it, pulling out my wand to check if there were any compulsion spells or tracking spells. There weren't any. 

I casted a scourgify on the letter cleaning it when I noticed a logo on the side.

I paled when I saw it, no one wouldn't.

For it was the Voldemort's sign.

I looked left and right to check for any eavesdroppers and casted a privacy spell.

I opened the letter and my blood boiled at the sight of who it was from.

My father.



The Dark Lord requested me to tell you to be Draco Malfoy's assistant for his next mission. You have no say in this. If you deny, Bellatrix will tell Severus to reveal your true identity and you don't want that do you?

Meet Draco in the ROR after you read this.

Your father,



"ARGHHHH!" I screamed in annoyance. I hate my father. Ever since I changed my last name from Petigrew to Y/N L/N, he's been blackmailing me.

I sat on my bed with my hands on my face. 

What do I do?
Revealing my identity is not an option so there's that.

I sighed heavily knowing I have to do what my father said when I suddenly had a great idea.

Granted it might not work but, it's worth a try.

I ran out of my dorm and to the ROR to execute my plan.


Ok! so err sorry this chapter is short I have a lot of homework and tests this week but I hope you do like this! For now, byeee

I also apologise for the bad title  dont know what else to name it hehe

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