fraternal twins part 1

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6th year fanfic, ron never dated lavender, hermione didnt get jealous


"Harry you can't possibly believe Malfoy of all people is a deatheater." Hermione said as she walked next to Harry through the library halls.

"Yeah mate, I mean malfoy's  evil but I doubt you know who would pick him. Besides, what use will malfoy be?" Ron said following the two.

"I don't know ,just a feeling." Harry said with a frown.

"Honestly Harry-" Hermione stopped her tracks.

"What is it Hermione?" Harry asked

"Have you ever seen her?" She asked pointing to a red haired girl wearing muggle clothes lying on the floor. She looked about Harry's age.

Harry's eyes immediately filled with recognition as he looked at the girl. Recognition then changed to annoyance?

Hermione, noticing this, asked, " Harry do you know her?"

Harry just rolled his eyes. He approached the girl and said " Reenervate" 

The girl's eyes opened as she sat up , looking at her surroundings. Hermione was about to comfort her when the girl's eyes landed on Harry and almost immediately a frown came upon her face.

"What are you doing here? " Harry asked, confusion and annoyance lacing his voice.

" What? I don't know, I just woke up here. This isn't your doing is it?" the girl said.

"What! no! why would I do that?" 

The girl just deadpanned.

"ok no but seriously this isn't my doing." 

"ok fine but where am I anyways?"

"You're at Hogwarts" Harry replied.

"Err not to interrupt or anything but mate you know this girl?" Ron said.

"Know her? Of course I know her! She's the bane of my existence." Harry said.

" Ok well that is just rude and it's not like you're not mines oh and you love me"

"I hate you"

"You love me"

"Urghhhhh! let's just go to Dumbledore" Harry groaned.

"Does he even know I exist?"

" Pretty sure not but we're doing it anyways"

" Ok but we're doing it because I want to not because you said so" the girl said.

"Whatever" Harry rolled his eyes.


Hermione and Ron were behind Harry Potter and the mysterious girl as they watch them bicker like they've known each other since forever.

" Mione? Do you know who she is? Harry doesn't even act like that around us." Ron asked an well it's true Harry never really bickered with Ron and Hermione. Excluding last year, but he mostly just ignores us at that time.

" I don't know. They act like they hate and love each other at the same time." Hermione replied

"They remind me of Ginny arguing with me or my brothers" Ron hummed thoughtfully.

"Yeah but well, Harry doesn't have any siblings does he? If Lily and James had a daughter I'm sure she'd be famous or at least be at Hogwarts."

"Oh well, I'm pretty sure Dumbledore will figure out." Ron shrugged



ok sorry it's a bit short im writting this last minute :)

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