Behold the Flerken part 1

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ok so Harry found a " cat" in like an alley and decides to adopt it. Days later he finds out this isn't a normal "cat" when it ate a dementor. anyways when the advanced guard picks him up , Harry afraid the dursleys would abuse & call it "freak" his cat brings it to Grimmauld place. What could go wrong?

I don't own Harry Potter and I also don't own Marvel


In an alley at Little Whinging, Surrey, just around Magnolia Cresent, a raven-haired, emerald eyed wizard was staring incredulously at a ginger cat. This wizard's name is Harry Potter and he is on his way to his 5th year of Hogwarts. Harry however, wasn't ordinary and honestly, it wasn't his fault, trouble just manages to haunt him no matter where he is. 

"What's a cat like you doing here?" Harry asked, tilting his head to the side. That didn't help though, as the cat just replied a "meow" back. 

The ginger cat then approached Harry it's tail circling Harry's leg then sat down. Harry folowed the cat and sat down. "You're alone aren't you?" Harry asked. The cat meowed. They sat like that for sometime and after sometime, Harry began petting it unconsciously. " I'm alone too," he hesitated before saying," Hi , let's be friends, My name's Harry, Harry Potter. Do you have a name?" 

The cat bobbed it's head up and down before holding his paw and writing what looks like "Goose" on the dirty floor of the alleyway." Your name's Goose?" Harry asked, and at that Goose nodded.

"Well Goo-" But before Harry could finish his sentence, a cold familiar feeling spreaded throughout his torso, freezing him in that process. "Dementors" Harry muttered, before grabbing Goose and running as fast as he can to the exit.

However, he was too late as when he was about to reach said exit, a figure wearing a cloak was gliding towards him. It was one of the notorious dementors of Azkaban.

"Oh no, I'm gonna die! I should not have left my wand! My soul is going to be sucked out!" Were his only thoughts as he saw the dementor getting  closer towards him.

He dropped to a fetal position on the floor and hugged his new feline friend goose, protecting him. He closed his eyes and waited for his fate, but it never happened. He slowly oppened his eyes and saw Goose in all his glory eating a dementor. That's right, eating a dementor. Harry just stares dumbfounded as Goose opened it's mouth and releasing a hoard of tentacles, eating the dementor, then turning to Harry, staring back innocently as if nothing happened. 

"I take it you're not a normal cat." Harry said dumbly. " Goose just made a face that practically screams "Duh". Harry picked Goose carefully and said, " I'm trusting you not to eat me."

Just then the figure known as Arabella Figg came rushing in ,yapping, " Are you alright? I saw dementors come in, Oh when I get a hold of Fletcher he's not going to know what's coming for him."

"Huh? How do you know about the dementors" said Harry blankly. Before realization came at him, hitting him like a train. " You're a wizard."  Harry said, cutting of her rant.

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