Everything in my power

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Bold= from the book

"How this situation arose, we do not know," said Dumbledore, speaking to everyone gathered in the room. "It seems to me, how ever, that we have no choice but to accept it. Both Cedric and Harry have been chosen to compete in the Tournament. This, therefore, they will do...."

"Wait, I have to compete?!" Harry interrupted.

"Alas m 'boy, you have no choice or you shall lose your magic, if there was an alternative I'm all ears." 

Harry Potter was livid. One year that's all he wants. ONE YEAR. ONE NORMAL YEAR. IS THAT TOO MUCH  TO ASK!  apparently it is. You know what? screw it! I'm goiing to have a year and I'm going to do everything in my power to do that.

"Professor, being in the tournament, you can skip class can't you?" Harry asked.

"Well, yeah bu-"

"Good then I'm going to do everything in my power to get out of this damned tournament and with that he walked out slamming the door for an emphasis that he was LIVID.


After that charade, no one has seen hide nor hair of Harry Potter and frankly, the judges are getting scared. The first task will take place in 5 days and Harry has yet to show up.

That is, until the night before the first task.


It was the night of the first task and everyone was excited, everyone in the great hall was talking to each other when suddenly, the grand doors opened cutting their conversations.

Dumbledore stood up in his chair , wand in hand, pointing at the door. "WHO ARE YOU? SHOW YOURSELF!" 

At those words, a man went through the doors, his clothes were burnt and had holes everywhere, it looked like he was wearing rags. His face was dirty and there was a gash on the side of his forehead , a trail of blood coming out of it. His hair was greasy and messy. He had a bandage covering his hand but despite all this, the man was smiling. 

Everyone drew a collective gasp as they identified the smiling man as Harry Potter, the 4th triwizard champion.

"Harry! What happened !" Dumbledore shouted, his eyes wide staring at the boy.

Harry just chuckled, "When I said I'm going to do everything in my power, I mean it."

He looked back at the door and out came a beautiful young woman

He looked back at the door and out came a beautiful young woman

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hairstyle ( her hair color is the one in the 1st picture):

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hairstyle ( her hair color is the one in the 1st picture):

she had her hands on her temples massaging them as she rolled her eyes, clearly annoyed

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she had her hands on her temples massaging them as she rolled her eyes, clearly annoyed.

"I, Harry James Potter solemnly swear with my magic and my life that this is Alice, the lady and inventor of magic this i swear so mote it be." a white lite came and surrounded Harry, harry then took out his wand and said "Expecto Patronum" Prongs, in all his glory came out and ran throught the great hall before disappearing, proving that Harry was indeed telling the truth.

Everyone turned to look at the girl who was still rubbing her temples. " Let me get this straight, you" she said pointing her finger to Harry's chest," made me travel across the globe" waving her hands dramatically," just to get your name" she shoved a finger towards harry again," out of a goblet?" she shoved her hands towards the direction of the goblet.

"Well yeah." Harry said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Wow" she deadpanned," you are literally the most determined person I've ever met."

"You got that righ-"

"How did you even find me?"

"Well, I-"

"How do you even know who I am?"

" Oh, I just-"

"You're not even supposed to know I exist." Alice shot an incredulous look at Harry.

" Yeah, I have nothing to say except I was mad and I wanted a normal year so I did everything in my power to do so .Please don't hurt me or anything" Harry said, putting his hands infront of him as if trying to defend himself.

"Don't worry , I'm not going to hurt you. I have to give you credit though. I for one, can say no one has ever barged into my bedroom looking as if they'd gone to hell and back claiming it was an emergency and that the world's going to end then proceed to grab my hand and drag me out." 

"hehe, yeah sorry about that." Harry chuckled nervously.

"Well, I'm here now" she shot a look at Harry," might as well do it." 


"Yeah, but with all due respect, do not keep barging into my bedroom or I swear I'm going to take away your magic."

"Hehe, yeah okay." Harry said.

Alice waved her hand in a circular motion and her eyes grew gold before golden mist surrounded both Harry and the Goblet.

A good 5 seconds later, the golden mist faded and revealed a goblet of fire and a now uninjured, hair-washed, smiling Harry with black robes.

"Okay, my work is done, ADIOS AMIGOSSSS" Alice waved her hand before a gust of wind circled around her bringing her to who knows where.

Harry smiled, went to the gryffindor's table taking a seat next to Hermione and started eating before he noticed the fact that everyone in the great hall was staring at him. 

Harry  just shrugged and said, " I said Im going to do everything in my power, so I did." then continued eating as if nothing happened.


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