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--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------potion classes's pov


Professor Severus Snape's voice rang through the room.

Everyone looked towards Harry in hope for some drama to get them out of this boredom of a class.

However, we found something we certainly didn't expect.

Usually, when these things happen, Harry Potter is usually found messing up a potion or something. So you bet the class was confused when they saw Harry, eyes closed and a look of concentration in his face.

Snape stormed towards Harry but before he could reach him, Harry fell limp on the floor.

Everyone ( excluding Longbottom, Granger and Weasley) rolled their eyes thinking it was a prank and that Harry is trying to seek attention.

"Get Up Potter!" Snape grabbed Harry's arm pulling him into the chair, Only for him to faceplant to the ground again. " DETENTION! STOP THIS CHARADE" Snape shouted.

"Potter!" Snape once again headed to the limp body of Harry Potter and began to shake him.

"Potter?" This time he said it with a hint of desperation in his tone.

Snape loosened Harry's tie and placed 2 fingers on his neck, trying to find his pulse. Except, it wasn't there. He paled drastically

"Professor? What is it" Hermione asked, coming over to Harry.

She checked his pulse to find none.

At this point, the class realized what happened and the silence was deafening .

Until a girl shouted, chaos ensued. People were running and shouting, some in ecstasy, some in horror.

Snape was finally snapped out of his stupor and shouted, " GO TO YOUR COMMON ROOMS! POTIONS IS CANCELLED! WEASLY! GRANGER! COME WITH ME TO THE HOSPITAL WING."

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- time skip

"POPPY!" Snape yelled.

"Urgh what no-Potter!" Madam Poomfrey said, " Wha-"

"No time! He doesn't have a pulse, he's not breathing as well. He just suddenly went limp."

"Oh dear, put him in the bed!" Madam Pomfrey demanded.

Snape placed Harry on the bed then went to Ron and Hermione. " Stay with him, don't go anywhere. I'm getting the headmaster." With that Snape fled from the hospital wing.

Meanwhile Hermione had tears in her eyes and Ron had his hands over his mouth at the sight of his lifeless best friend. They watched as Madam Pomfrey continuously shot healing spells on Harry through his nose and checking for a pulse ever so often.

Not long after, Minerva McGonagall burst in the room and immediately gasped, then covered her mouth in horror at the sight of one of her favorite students. She noticed Ron and Hermione and went over to them.

"What happened?!" This time she didn't try to use her manners.

Before Ron and Hermione can answer, a very pale headmaster entered the room slamming the doors in the process while a potions master followed him.

Like McGonagall, the headmaster spotted Ron and Hermione and quickly demanded them to explain to him what had happened.

And so, Ron and Hermione explained. At the end of their explanation, they all looked towards Harry and saw that Madam Pomfrey was still performing the spell. She placed her fingers on his neck and everyone looked, hoping the beating pulse was still there but it wasn't. Madam Pomfrey looked up and shook her head.

Harry Potter was dead.

Harry Potter One shotss *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now