Hi err this is Groot

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Harry James Potter of Number 4 Privet Drive was crying in the smallest bedroom also known as Dudley's second bedroom.

Why is he crying you ask?

Well, just a few months ago, Cedric Diggory, The Hogwarts Champion died during the third task.

Now Harry might not be Cedric's best friend or anything like that but if you were to watch someone die right before your eyes, it'd affect you as well.


-Harry pov-

I sighed, this summer couldn't get any worse.

I looked out the window and saw a forest, odd , I've never seen a forest near here, but then again I barely get out. I kept staring at the forest until I mused 'Maybe a walk would do me good' 

I grabbed a jumper, jogged downstairs and headed to the forest.

I am bad at describing outfits so here's what harry's looks like

I am bad at describing outfits so here's what harry's looks like

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Imagine the jumper is black and the shirt inside is grey.

I walked through the forest taking breaths of fresh air. It's been such a long time.

I found a river nearby, It's water was as clear as crystal and there were pieces of wood alongside it.

I sat on a log by the river and watched nature, I looked at my watch and




I was shocked, I could've sworn I wasn't here for that long. I turned my head back, thinking back on the path home but I couldn't remember. Yeah what a  great walk that was. (sarcasm by the way)

and so this is how I ended lost in the middle of a forest, with no ways of contact, sitting by a tree and thinking back all my life choices.

"I am Groot"

I snapped my head up and found a tree?

Yeah Im pretty sure it's a tree but it had eyes? Wait huh? Did it just speak? Last I know trees don't speak, magical or not. Maybe I'm delusional.

"I am groot"

Yep definitely delusional as in front of me is apparently a tree with eyes, can speak looks about 25meters? yeah.

The tree tilted it's head.

"I am groot"

I looked to both my sides, as if to see if anyone is around before answering, " Err, I am Harry Potter. Do you know how you managed to come here?"

He shook his head while saying "I am groot"


"I err know you're groot errr Have you always been in this forest then Groot?" 

He nodded.

"Do you have a family here? a colony? pack?" I added in a more somber tone.

He shook his head but I could see his eyes were begining to water.

"Don't cry, don't cry, it's ok" I said picking him? up, holding him? to my chest

Him? I think it's a him

"Say groot, do you happen to know where privet drive is? I got lost in this forest and I need to get back." I said after he stopped crying.

He bobbed his head yes, sat on my palm and held on to my finger, turning it left.

"It's to the left?" I asked he nodded again "Ok"

After finally getting out of that maze-forest-thingy,  I find myself back at privet drive.

I looked at my palm to find groot standing and smiling at me.

" So I guess this is goodbye then?"

His smile immediately vanished and my heart ached as I watched i happen.

An idea suddenly came in my mind and I said," Hey groot ? do you want to come live with me? you don't have to if you do-" I was cut by him hugging my palm tightly.

I smiled, " that's a yes then" Groot smiled back.

We walked back together to 4 Privet Drive, my life sure is crazy, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

Harry Potter One shotss *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now