Behold the Flerken pt 2

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Bold= not mine/ from ootp


TW= swearing


'I'm a Squib, as Mundungus knows full well, so how on earth was I supposed to help you fight off dementors? He left you completely without cover when I'd warned him--'

Harry stared blankly at his neighbor. What?

'This Mundungus has been following me? Hang on--it was him! He Disapparated from the front of my house!'

'Yes, yes, yes, but luckily I'd stationed Mr. Tibbles under a car just in case, and Mr Tibbles came and warned me, but by the time I got to your house you'd gone-- and now--oh, what's Dumbledore going to say? You!' she shrieked at Dudley, still supine on the alley floor. 'Get your fat bottom off the ground, quick!'

Harry, who had no idea what's going on and realized this day was not, is not and will not be normal just followed her carrying Dudley on his back.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------time skip to the howler ( yes, there'll be a lot of time skips in this chapter)

Harry stared incredulously at the letter and read it again.

'What? I didn't even bring my wand with me . Ok you know what? It's official, the wizarding world is so stupid I honestly can't get my head around it.'

I looked up at the Dursleys. Uncle Vernon was purple-faced, shouting, his fists still raised; Aunt Petunia had her arms around Dudley who was retching again.

' Yeah I honestly don't have time for this shit'

'Where d'you think you're going?' yelled Uncle Venon. When I didn't reply, he pounded across the kitchen to block the doorway into the hall. 'I haven't finished with you, boy!'

I just rolled my eyes and went on with the journey to Dudley's 2nd bedroom.

I slammed the door and unceremoniously face-planted right in the bed.

I felt soft fur against my cheek and looked up to see Goose nuzzling me.

I smiled. "It's just you and me then Goose," then I frowned," what should I do now? I'm not going to try contacting Ron or Sirius or Hermione. They're going to ignore me either way."

Goose meowed in reply.

" Do you think I should tell them about you? You know, eating the dementor?" 

Goose shook his head no.

" You're a pretty smart cat aren't you Goose?," when I saw Goose puffing his chest, I rolled my eyes," Never mind, ignore I said that, Don't want your ego to get any bigger." 

Goose then scratched me.

"Ow! ok fine! Jeez!" pretending to be annoyed, but I can only smile.

'You're all I have left, don't leave me'

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