9.) All Time Low

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Ashton's P.O.V

So this date that I am taking Luke on, is actually an All Time Low concert. It took me forever to get money for these tickets. I was gonna take Mikey originally. That was before me and Luke started dating though.

Michael told me to take him, since I have been to more then one concert with Michael in the past, so it really isn't that big of a deal.

"Luke, are you ready?" I asked him through the door of his bathroom.

I am currently sitting in his bed waiting for him. I handed him the clothes and pushed him in the bathroom before he could even ask any questions.

When he walked out I just stared at him for a moment. He looks so adorable, an hot.

"God, I am so lucky." I said and he laughed, his cheeks flushing bright red.

I stood up and walked towards him. I slouched a little bit and places my lips on his, and he kissed back.

"Are you ready?" He asked me as we pulled away.

"Yes, now let's go or we'll be late." I said and he laughed.

"Are you still not gonna tell me where we are going?" He asked and I shook my head at him.

"Nope. You'll just have to wait." I said. He faked a frown, causing me to giggle at him, and roll my eyes.

We got into my car, I popped in a mix cd and we started our drive into the city. It won't take long, but long enough for Luke's suspense to build up.


As I turn onto the street of the club the concert is in, Luke looked at me with wide eyes.

"What are we doing here?" He asked me, pure excitement in his voice.

"Let's just say you have an amazing boyfriend who got meet and greats tickets to All Time Low." I said an parked the car across the street from the club.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me!" He said excitedly.

"Nope, not kidding. Now let's go, we are second row." I said and we got out of the car and ran to the building hand in hand.

We showed our tickets to the bouncers, and they nodded letting us in. I held Luke's hand tightly as we made our way to our spots infront of the stage, in-between where Jack and Alex will stand.

We didn't have to wait long until they came out onstage, starting with Dear Maria.

"They sound amazing!" Luke shouted so that I could hear him, I just nodded in response with a smile on my face.

The concert lasted about two hours, and now they are down to their final song.

"So, I got a tweet today from a kid named Ashton. He's here right now with his boyfriend Luke, and I just wanted to say that you guys rule for being open about your sexuality. Neve let anyone tell you to change who you are. If they do, look them straight in they eyes and tell them to go fuck themselves!" Alex shouted into his microphone.

"Yeah! Rock on, this song is dedicated to reckless and brave lovers! Here's our final song of the night. The Reckless and The Brave!" Jack shouted in his mic.

After they finished, the bouncers got everybody who had meet and greats and took them to the stage doors that lead to the dressing room of the boys.

"I can't believe you got them to say that to us. How'd you even...?" Luke asked me.

"Just got lucky and he saw my tweet." I said and Luke smiled at me.

We were the last ones to go and meet them, and when we walked up to them Luke grabbed onto my hand.

"Hi I'm Alex." Alex said and I nodded.

"I know, I'm Ashton and this is Luke." I said and Luke waved.

"Ahw, you're the couple!" Jack said and I nodded at him.

"Thanks for the little shoutout. It means a lot." Luke said, I could feel him shaking.

"No problem. I always see hate towards gay couples, and it irritate me. Like you are just people. You aren't the spawn of satan." Alex said and I giggled.

"Could we get a picture and an autograph?" Luke asked an all four of them nodded.

I handed my phone to the bouncer and he took three pictures one while Luke and I are standing with the band smiling, one with funny faces, and one with Luke and I kissing while the band are acting all fangirly.

"It was so cool meeting you guys. I hope we can see you in another concert soon." I said and Alex nodded.

"Yeah man. I'll follow you on twitter, and we can work out something for next time we are here." Alex said and Jack agreed.

"Alright cool, well we have to get going now. See ya guys." I said.

Luke and I walked out of the building hand in hand to my car.

"You are the best boyfriend ever!" Luke said smashing his lips onto mine and I obviously kissed back.

"And I was recording the whole time he was talking about is on stage, so we can show Mikey and Calum." I said and Luke smiled.

"Best first date, ever."

A/n - The photo is of what they were wearing to the concert.. I'm gonna apologize for the really slow updates, I have so many stories to update, And my mom just had surgery! 😁😁 so I am sorry, my my moms health comes first. But I am back now, no worries!

I love you munchkins!!

~Allie xxx

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