10.) Who's Lashton?

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Ashton's P.O.V

"That is literally the cutest thing I have ever seen or heard in my life!" Calum said. I had just showed him the video of what Alex and Jack said about us at the concert over the weekend. Luke and I were together all weekend and we peobably watched the video a hundred times.

Luke is so happy, and I am too. I never thought that Alex would have seen my tweet, let alone say what he did about us infront of so many people that night.

"I know. Luke cried the whole ride home, I swear. He was so happy." I said and Calum smiled at me.

"I'm glad you make him happy. He has only been in love with you for like the past two years or so." Calum said. I chuckled at what he said, and rolled my eyes jokingly.

"No seriously Ash. I've been sitting next to Luke in class all year, and for the longest time he would doodle your name, and Lashton all over everything." Mikey said from behind me.

"Who the fuck is Lashton?" I asked him, Calum and Mikey both started laughing at me.

"No seriosuly, who is Lashton?" I asked.

"Lashton is your ship name. Like you and Luke put together. Luke and Ashton, Lashton. Does that make sense Ash?" Mikey said. I nodded, but I don't get what it really is. 

I think it's cute though.

"I feel like and idiot now." I said.

"You aren't babe. I came up with the name Lashton myself. I like it. Do you?" Luke asked me, while grabbing my hand and kissing my cheek. I nodded my head with a smile on my face.

"It's cute. I just didn't know who the fuck Lashton was. I was like, do I have competiton, am I gonna have to kill someone?" I joked. We all laughed about it before the bell rang for us to actaully get dismissed from the school building.

Luke and I walked out hand in hand like we do everyday, Mikey and Cal were with us. We are gonna have to stop and wait for the girls so we can all walk home together like we do every single day.

Hannah like Calum, and it's kinda hilarious to watch how she acts around him. SHe flirts with him a lot too. It's cute. I wanna see them get together. What woul their namebe? Halum? Cannah? I don't even fucking know.

I thik Halum is better, but I'm not gonna argue with mysel about what their ship name would be. That's kinda weird.

"Hannah hurry up! The boys are gonna get mad if you take fifteen minutes again!" I heard Abby yelling. I just laughed along with the others.

"Abby, shut up!" Hannah yelled just before they came into view and we all started walking off of the school property, and towards my house.

We aren probably gonna go up into the attic like we usually do and do homework and play video games. We either do this, or Luke and I go to his house and attempt to do our homework but we get to distracted with one another.

Then we kiss and shit, no details needed.

We haven't sex yet, which I'm okay with. I don't even really know how that works with two dudes. Like, Luke will be my first time with a guy.

Luke isn't in any rush either. We are just enjoying eachother company. I like that we are taking it slow, because my relationships in the past, always ended badly. The girls I used to date were a little. uh, fast moving you could say.

Mikey would say they are sluts, but I don't wanna discriminate anyone by saying that. I'll just say they liked to have sex, and I'm not really about that life.

I'm not a virgin, I won't lie. I just want me and Luke to be one hundred percebt ready for it before it happens. That way neither of us regret anything.

The last thing I want, is for Luke and I to break up over something like that.

I'd never forgive myself if I lost him.

He is honestly the best thing that has happened to me.

I only want what is best for him.

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