16.) It'll Be Over Soon

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Ashton's P.O.V

I woke up from our nap and I just stared at Luke as if it was the last time I would ever see him again.

I keep thinking about what we talked about earlier, it was making it so hard form to sleep.

I don't want him to get hurt. I wish everyone would just pick on me about being gay. Why don't they? They all know, so why do they only bother Luke about it for the most part?

Every bruise on his body, makes me wanna have double that on mine. That's why it's so easy for me to stick up for him and get in to fights and not worry about the consequences.

I love him to much to see him hurt.

It'll all be over soon enough though. Once we both get out of the place, and we can go out on our own in the real world, we can move somewhere that being gay is excepted. Right in the center of a city.

Whether it's here, or New York. As long as my love is safe, I don't care where we end up.

I am glad we have the friends we do though. The ones who except us for who we are, even though we are different from them.

Our lunch table is where I feel like we will always belong, around those few friends.

No judgement, no worries. It all seems perfect when we are together.

And then Hunter always has to show up and ruin everything.

He doesn't even sit with us, but he somehow always finds himself by our table. He sits all the way across the cafeteria, usually. sometimes he sits a few tables away, but either way he doesn't even need to look at us, or in our general direction. However, he does and it's super annoying.

Like, can you please not stare at us like we are a bunch of animals held captive in the zoo? Cause we aren't, and I don't wanna feel like we are.

"How long have you been awake?" I heard Luke's voice ring through my ears.

"Maybe twenty minutes or so? How long have you been awake?" I asked him

"Long enough to know that you are staring at me. And that you are thinking about something." Luke said before rolling over and looking at me.

"Sorry, I didn't wanna wake you. You looked so peaceful." I said and he smiled at me.

"What's been going through your mind this morning?" Luke asked me and I shook my head at him.

"Nothing important." I replied, not really wanting to talk to him about it.

"Okay. Let's get dinner. I'm hungry." Luke said jumping up out of bed.

He threw a shirt over hid head and turned to look at me.

"C'mon Ash! Hurry, I'm gonna wither away to nothing" Luke said very dramatically.

"I doubt it. But okay Lukey, let's go see what's for dinner." I said and I put a shirt on.

"We walked downstairs and say that there was some sort of casserole in the stove and we both took a huge pile of it and went to sit at the table.

"So what do you wanna do tomorrow?" Luke asked me.

"I don't have a clue. We should have a lazy day." I said. And Luke smiled at me.

"If it means I can cuddle the cutest boy ever, then that's okay with me."

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