5.) Coming Out

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Ashton's P.O.V

I'm really nervous about school today. I wanna show the world that I am with Luke, and that I'm happy about it. I'm just scared of the talk, and the looks I'm gonna get.

He already gets bullied for being gay, and if people know about us, it might get worse, for both of us.

I am waiting for Luke to come out of his house so we can g to school together, and the longer I wait, the more bad things run through my mind.

"There he is, my amazing boyfriend." Luke says kidding me in the cheek as he gets in the passenger seat of my car.

"Luke, do you really think we should come out to the school right away? I mean you're bullied as it is an I don't want things to become worse for you. It would be my fault and I would hate myself if anything really bad happened to you" I rambled and Luke grabbed my hand in his.

"Babe, it'll be fine. I honestly don't care what anyone has to say, and after what you said and did to Hunter, I don't think anyone will try anything to bad. If you're not ready to come out yet, I completely understand." Luke explained to and I kissed his cheek lightly.

"I'll think about it. I'll let you know when we get there." I said and he smiled and nodded at me.

As we were driving to school, one if my favorite songs came on the radio. it's called Somewhere in Neverland by All Time Low.

"I love this song!" Luke shouted an turned it up.

"Wendy run away with me, I know I sound crazy! Don't you see what you do to me. I wanna be your lost boy your last chance. A better reality! Yeah." We sang along to the song together.

We started laughing at how dumb we must look to the people driving past us.

But we don't care.

If I can be like this now, I can be like this in school. I shouldn't give a fuck about what anyone else things of me and Luke. I'm happy and they can just get over the fact that I'm different then them.

We pulled up to the school and I parked in my usual spot, and people were already looking at me weird because alike was in the car with me.

"I'm ready." Said to Luke and he smiled at me. We got out of the car, and started walking to the front of it. I pushed the lock button and continued walking, Luke grabbed ahold of my hand as he caught up with me and we walked towards the building together.

Hunter gave us a look, as did all his friends but Luke flipped them off and winked. We just kept walking and didn't let anyone bother us by what they thought.

"I'm proud of you babe." Luke said and kissed my cheek.

"Ahwwww! You guys are so freaking cute! How in hell did this happen though?" Hannah asked us and I giggled.

"Turns out, 11:11 wishes can come true."

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