2.) Friday

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Luke's P.O.V

Today is the day. it's Friday and Ashton is coming over after school today. I am excited yet very nervous because I am most likely gonna do something extremely stupid.

I am currently getting my slob, well this place calls it food. I'm most likely just getting a slice of pizza like I usually do.

"So are you redy for tonight Luke?" Cal asked me. I just shrugged my shoulders.

"Yeah I guess. I am ready to spend time with him but i am super nervous that I am just gonna do something stupid to make him never wanna tak to me ever again." I said while playing with my tie since it was just hanging there.

"Luke what could you possibly do?" Cal asked me.

"What if I try to kiss him and he gets all freaked out and then he will never talk to me again and then I will have to take this whole year over again." I rambled and Cal just laughed and rolled his eyes at me.

"I don't think that'll happen." Calum said. I nodded because I agree with him. I don't have the balls to kiss Ashton.

We walked out of the lunch line and over to the table we always sit at. We sit with a few of our other friends. It's Cal, James, and Hannah on one side of the table. Then it's Arianna, Abby and I on the otherside.

We just have a normal conversation until I see Cal stop and I turn around and see the biggest dickhead in this whole school behind me. He bullies me on regular basis, but i usually just ignore him. He's just one of those popular assholes who bangs a differnt girl every night. It's just disgusting.

"Hey faggot. Is my soup hot?" He says and next thing i knew, hot tomato soup was dumped all over my head. I didn't even reply to him because I knew all eyes were on us already.

"Hunter do you really have to be such a dick?" Hannah asked him, and I just heard him laugh.

"He's gonna burn in Hell for being gay so I am just getting him ready for it." Hunter said and his group of other assholes just started laughing.

"Well here is a gift for Satan himself." I heard a voice say. Next thing I saw Hunter pushed on the ground and he had tomato soup all over him aswell. I didn't dare look up and see who did that.

"Leave him alone Hunter" I heard the voice say again.

"Or what Irwin?" Hunter asked. Irwin? As in Ashton Irwin? Holy shit Ashton just did that for me.

"Or what? I'll tell you what. I will end your life faster then you can ever say the word faggot again. Now get out of my fucking sight." Ashton said and I smiled to myself, knowing Ashton cares enugh to do that for me makes me feel a whole lot better, and excited to hangout with him basically all weekend.

I saw Hunter stand up and rush out of the cafeteria really quick and his posse of assholes and sluts followed him out.

"You alright Luke?" I heard Ashton say from right behind me. I nodded my head before actually answering.

"Yeah. Thanks for that." I said motioning my hands around hoping he would understand what I was trying to say.

"No problem. Now lets get you to the nurse. You need to change and make sure you aren't burnt to bad anywhere." Ashton said. I nodded and got up to follow him, just as I did Hannah winked at me and Calum made a kissy face at me. I rolled my eyes at them and kept walking behind Ashton.


The nurse told me the only burn that might hurt for a few days is on the ack of my neck, other then that I am okay. She decided to send me home because I needed to get out of these clothes. Only problem, my mom is at work til late tonight so she couldn't come get me. How was that problem fixed, Ashton.

He decided he would come back with me. I tried to tell him I'd be fine walking back, but he insisted since he would be coming over in a little bit anyway so I didn't argue I let him drive me back the house.

Once we got there I ran up to my room and got changed quickly. I just put on a t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants. I only have like three pairs of pants and they are all dirty now. I need to do wash, oh well.

"My mom works til late so I am gonna order a pizza. What do you want on it?" I asked Ashton while dialing the number for Pizza Hut.

"I'm quite a simple man. I like just plain old cheese pizza." Ash said. I gave him a thumbs up and ordered a large plain pizza.

Once I made the call Ashton and I started talking about what I needed help with in science class. And since I take Biology and Chemistry we decided to work on the periodic table since that is what I suck at the most.

I am supposed to memorize the whole damn thing when there is 118 things on it. How the hell does a simple teenage boy do that shit?

I mean Ashton can, but he is not a simple teenage boy. He's perfect. With his dirty blonde hair, his big hazel eyes and his amazing smile. Don't even get me started on his laugh. That will be the death of me I swear.

Plus he likes almost all the same bands I do. That makes him even better.

I hear the doorbell ring, signalling the pizza is here so I go pay for it and come back out to the kitchen with it. Ashton and I both tuck in right away.

"Do you just wanna stay over tonight?" I asked him. SInce he was probably just gonna come back tomorrow to tutor me some more.

"Yeah sure. I'l just run home quick and get some clothes for tomorrow." Ashton said. I nodded my head and he grabbed his keys from the table and headed out the door. I decided to text my mom and tell her.

Luke: Hey mum. My friend Ashton is spending the night here.

Mum: Okay Lukey, but you know the rules. No sex!

Luke:Oh my God Mum! He's straight!

Mum: I'm just saying Lukey. Be good. I'll see you later.

I sat here and laughed for a good bit after what my mum said.

I am literally staring at the periodic table, trying to figure this thing out. I cant even get half of the element in my head. I keep getting distracted with the thought of Ashton staying here over night.

"Luke I'm back." I heard Ashton yell.

"I'm in the lounge!" I shouted so that he would know where to come.

When he walked out, I wanted to just fucking him right there. He had a Nirvana shirt on and a pair of sweatpants hung low on his hips and he had a beanie on his head. And he had glasses on?

"Since when do you wear glasses?" I asked him.

"I have worn them for a few years. I just don't like wearing them at school because I would get called a nerd and shit like that." Ashton said. I nodded. I understand what he means. He has a really high grade point average. Add the glasses and then he would look like a typical nerd.

A hot nerd, but still.

We studied for a little, then we watched two movies before we headed up to my room to go to sleep since it was around midnight.

"Get me a pilow and blanket Luke. I'll sleep on the floor." Ashton said taking his VANS off.

"No you can sleep in the bed Ashton. I don't care." I said to him.

"I can't do that. It's your bed. You sleep in it." Ashton said.

"We can both sleep in it. I know I'm gay, but you don't have to worry about it." I said, trying to act as cool as possible.

"Okay." Ashton said and we both climbed into the bed and got under the covers.

I don't know what happened, but I fell asleep almost instantly because I knew the person I loved, yes I said loved, was laying right next to me. And I didn't have to imagine what it was like anymore.

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