what's your name?

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"LEVI," erwin hummed as he walked into the males office. levi sat at his desk per usual doing paper work, sighing at the random intrusion.

"yes?" the black haired male exclaimed, looking up from his paperwork to meet erwin's tired blue eyes.

he cleared his throat when levi met his gaze, closing the door behind him as he knew this would be a touchy subject.

"i don't know a way to put this," he started, causing levi to straighten up even more in his seat. "other than, we are going to help kids in the underground."

levi raised an eyebrow. he was internally questioning what any of this had to do with him, and why the survey corp was going to scout children.

"i know what you're thinking, levi. we're scouting out new potentials. with the way this war is going, we need all the help we can get." erwin added quickly.

"and you need me?" levi asked, raising an eyebrow as erwin nodded stiffly.

"you know your way around the underground more than anyone else here."

levi sighed, twirling his pen between his fingers as he thought about it. he understood the situation, but did he really want to go back to that hellhole?

"we'll leave tomorrow morning if you decide to go." erwin nodded before leaving levi with his thoughts.

"great to know you decided to come with." erwin hummed, a light smile on his face as he watched levi walk with with his comrades to leave.

"you need a way around that hell, right?" levi hissed, tired of this mission already. he sincerely didn't want to go back to that hell he had escaped; seeing many people down only to not live until the next day.

yet he did want to go. he wanted to find new recruits, so this stupid war could end already. so he could potentially save a few lives from the horror of the underground.

he got onto his horse, heading through town with other members of the survey corp before stopping at the hole that lead to the underground.

"we'll spread out. squad one will go left, squad two will go right, and my squad will go straight." erwin exclaimed sternly before his soldiers saluted; letting out a loud 'right!' before doing as instructed.

"stay alert; the kids down here have more training than the warriors up there." levi explained as his squad- erwin's team- moved forward.

something, or someone, caught his eye. he quickly dropped down after alerting hanji and erwin; stalking slowly into the alleyway where he saw the child.

she looked back after feeling a presence, noticing she was caged in the alleyway with 3 suspicious grown-ups.

she knew the military police were bad people. but looking at the wings on their capes; they weren't military police.

she didn't care when she saw the blonde one reaching for his gear. she quickly grabbed her pocket knife from the one boot she wore, running towards the three.

she only got to cut levi's arm before he gently pushed her away from hanji's direction. he tsk'ed, looking at the girl who was only a few feet away.

she resembled him, in a way. poor, dirty, hungry, tired. she just needed guidance, and guidance is what he was going to give her.

slowly, he bent down to kneel her height; holding out his hand as he looked at her. she breathed heavily, not knowing if she could trust the man, considering his two friends had their blades out & ready.

"c'mon," he whispered, holding his hand out more before her irises flicked from his grey blue ones to his calloused hand.

she slowly moved towards him before full on running with the intent to kill. she'd take him out first while his guard was down, then get the two behind him.

hanji & erwin, though, were ready to kill her before she took out their best soldier. when they would get ready, levi held out his hand to stop them.

"c'mon." he whispered again, blinking when the cold knife met his warm neck- but not slicing it. she had stopped; changed her mind last minute.

small trickles of blood ran down her knife before his hand slowly moved to the top of her head. he slowly and lightly ruffled her hair, before taking the knife from her hand with his other.

"her." he stated, nodding to erwin and hanji.

"but levi? she just attempted to kill you?" hanji rebutdtaled, watching as levi hummed and nodded.

"that's why i think she'll be a perfect fit." he exclaimed as the girls eyes followed his every move. "what's your name?"

she stared at the older male, watching as he let out an aggressive tongue click at her silence. could she not talk?

"do you have one?" he asked, watching as she slowly shook her head no. "okay," he whispered to himself.

"levi, may we have a word?" erwin asked, watching as levi nodded slowly. hanji, hesitantly, stayed in the alleyway with the small girl.

"i think she's more of a threat than a benefit for our men." erwin stated sharply, making sure they were out of earshot and hanji was holding up.

they were bent down, trying to talk to the girl who seemed to have no interest. all the smaller girl did was make eye contact with erwin; rather intimidating eye contact, yet he would never admit that.

"she could take out our men if she wanted too." erwin added.

"which is why i think she's a great fit. she needs no training, just guidance on what to kill and when." levi pushed, nodding at his decision as erwin sighed.

"in fact, i don't believe we need to recruit anyone else with her on our side as well as the 104 scouts."

"if we do this, she will be under your supervision." he exclaimed, closing his eyes as levi nodded determinedly.

"i'm fine with that."

y/n ; levi a ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now