i'll call you, y/n.

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LEVI huffed as he looked at the small girl beside him. she'd done major damage before erwin and them caught sight of her; just about killing 3 people from each of the other squads.

"you need a way to be addressed by," he mumbled to himself as she just looked up at him. "i think, i'll call you, y/n."

she just nodded, her doe (eye color) eyes twinkling up at him.

"do you like that name?" he asked, as she nodded again. "do you... speak?"

she blinked, nodding again before levi let out a sigh. he looked down at her messy hair and tattered clothes, realizing it'd probably be best to not push her into anything just yet.

"y-y/n.." she said shocking levi before he nodded.

"y/n." he mumbled. "i'm levi, captain of the special operations squad for the survey corp. you will be working and training under me. understood?"

"yes." she nodded after intently listening.

"yes sir." he corrected. "always respect your higher ups; yes sir, no sir. yes ma'am, no ma'am."

"yes sir." she corrected herself, as levi nodded.

fast learner, he thought to himself. when they arrived at the castle he helped her out the carriage; walking her down the big hallways to which she looked around. amazement was evident in her eyes, yet her facial expression didn't change.

"you'll get cleaned up in here; hanji will help you." levi exclaimed after opening a door. it was a small room, not much inside besides a bed, a table side dresser, and a window. there was also a door to a bathroom to which you could assumed much wasn't in there either.

"they should be here..." levi trailed off after hearing their comrades loud and booming 'shorty! hey!' from down the hallway.

he sighed deeply, walking off towards his office so he didn't have to deal with so much energy so early in the evening.

"wait! what do i call her?" hanji yelled out as they looked down at the girl.

"ask her yourself." levi scoffed, rolling his eyes as he continued to walk away.

hanji blinked, looking down at the girl again who was already looking at them. hanji gave her a wide smile, fixing the towel that was resting on their shoulder.

"well? what shall i call you?" they asked, adjusting their glasses.

"y/n." the girl said, blinking shortly at hanji's... attitude. happy, bubbly, bright. she liked it better with levi.

"are you sure about this.. levi?" erwin asked, sitting in a chair in front of the latter's desk.

"i'm positive-" he answered before being cut off by hanji swinging the door open. y/n stood behind them, clean and dressed up however her hair was still a little messy.

hanji, on the other hand, had bite marks and scratches up their arm, their glasses were a little crooked on their face, and their hair looked like it had been pulled at.

"she's a little troublesome, but i managed to get her dressed!" hanji exclaimed, smiling at her two friends as they sighed.

"don't get too attached, levi." erwin hummed quietly before getting up and making his way out with hanji.

y/n stood in the middle of the room, blinking at the older man who sighed before waving her over. she took careful steps, her guard up in case he tried anything.

he undid the messy ponytail she had before gesturing her to turn around to which she did. he fixed it up, making a pretty bun with two loose hairs hanging out in the front.

"there, that looks better. dont you think?" levi asked, turning her to face the window that sat behind them.

"yes sir." she exclaimed softly as she stared stoically at the window.

"let's teach you how to salute. you do this to your higher up whenever you see them, understood?" he asked softly as she faced him once more.

"yes sir." she nodded as he put his right hand over his left chest; his left arm behind his back as he firmly sat up in the chair he was in.

she copied the movements with ease before he gently knocked her feet to spread them.

"you're a pretty quick learner," he hummed to himself before looking at her. "how old are you?"

"12." she answered, not dropping her salute until told too.

"you'll be training with the other scouts since they're your age as well." he exclaimed, as she nodded and let out a 'yes sir' once more.

y/n ; levi a ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now