anything you like.

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"WHY don't you go scouting today?" erwin asked, looking at levi who had two stacks of paperwork. "you can take..."

"y/n." levi stated for erwin who nodded quickly.

"y/n with you." he hummed, his usual calm expression still on his face. levi twirled his pen in his hand again, wondering why erwin even wanted him to go scouting the perimeter.

"i know what you're thinking, levi. and i understand you have a lot of paperwork; however, it's not like i can send hanji to go do it."

"tch." levi stated, setting his pen down with a sigh before standing. "alright." he stated, walking towards the door with erwin who smiled shortly.

when levi walked down the hallway towards y/n's room, a bad feeling came across his chest.

he shook it off, knocking on the door to the smaller girls room and waiting a little- however, no sound came from the room.

"hey, y/n." he stated, twisting the doorknob that was unlocked. he opened the door to see an empty made up room which caused his anxiety to go up the wall.

quickly, he ran down the hallway, trying to think of where she could be.

y/n sat in the mess hall with the other 104 scouts. when she went back to the castle, hanji had suggested she eat with the other scouts to make new friends.

y/n didn't understand the concept of 'friends,' yet she still agreed and went back to eat the terrible, cold soup and hard bread.

but, she was thankful. it was better than eating nothing like down from where she was from. she didn't have to fight for anything, she didn't have to beg, she was just given it for being there.

she ate her food until three kids sat in front of her. she peeked up from over her spoon to look at them. a girl with brown hair in a ponytail sat in front of her. to her left, there was a boy with a buzz cut and on the other side of the girl was a boy who she'd heard be called 'horse face' a few times.

"why're so quiet?" the buzz-cut guy asked.

"where are you from?" the other boy asked before she could answer.

"are you gonna eat that?" the girl in front of her asked lastly; practically drooling over the potato on y/n's plate.

"i'm afraid i don't understand your question. i'm from the underground city. and i am going to eat my potato." she answered, looking at each of them before breaking her potato in half. "but you can have half."

the girl in front of her blushed profusely, taking the potato before putting it in her mouth and moaning.

"thanks so much!" she muffled before swallowing. "oh yeah, i'm sasha!"

"i'm connie,"

"i'm jean." the three exclaimed, making her nod to them as she blinked and went back to her soup.

"nice to meet you." she mumbled.

"so, why don't you eat with the rest of us?" connie asked, looking at how far the other scouts were compared to where she sat.

"i don't really understand the concept of social interaction." she answered honestly; which left the three speechless.

"huh?! what do you mean?!" sasha asked.

"there's not much to it! just talk with others! make friends!" jean laughed as y/n tilted her head innocently.

"friends?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. "i'm not sure i understand."

"friends? well their.. comrades people you can trust!" connie stated, nodding his head.

"then... will you guys be my friends?" she asked, after a while of processing connie's words.

"are you kidding?!" jean asked, laughing at her innocent state.

"of course! why do you think we're here?" sasha asked.

"oh- okay." y/n stated, nodding. connie opened his mouth to ask endless questions about her past before being cut short by a small man walking up to the group.

y/n stood immediately, saluting to her higher up before he told her to drop out. he huffed out of breath before he looked at her plate. most of her food was eaten, only leaving a little bit of soup and 1/2 of a potato.

"you're coming with me to scout the perimeter." levi exclaimed as the girl nodded and let out a 'yes sir' before looking at her new friends.

"you'll be back, right?" sasha pouted.

"yes." y/n nodded determinedly which shocked levi. she'd only been here for a few days, yet she's already made some friends? he was impressed, happy even.

after a while of walking from the castle to the town, levi finally understood why erwin wanted him to bring y/n.

"damn eyebrows." he muttered, looking around at all the people who littered around the street.

stand after stand set up, selling everything ranging from food to jewelry. he sighed as he walked through the street, looking around here and there to make sure no one stole anything.

"if you see anything you like, let me know." he hummed to the girl who stood beside him.

"i'm afraid i don't understand, sir." she stated. he was highly tired of this statement already.

"if you want anything. food, jewelry, clothes.. let me know, what interests you." he explained.

"yes sir. i never associated myself with those terms, therefore i didn't understand them." she explained, stopping as she looked at a necklace.

"well, you understand them now." levi stated, turning around to see what she looked at.

a gold necklace with a circle at the end with a L engraved in it. his eyebrows furrowed as he stared at it before looking over at the one beside it. it had her initial, so maybe that's the one she was looking at.

"you want that?" he asked, as she nodded.

"it has your initial." she stated, looking at him innocently before pointing at it.

"are you sure you don't want the one with your initials?" he asked, looking at her pretty confused.

"i'm sure, sir." she nodded as he sighed.

"okay." he hummed lowly, paying for the necklace before putting it around her neck. she held the small jewel in her hand, staring at it in awe as levi looked at her.

he smiled softly at a new found emotion that came over her face as he patted her head.

y/n ; levi a ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now