comrades die.

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"EVER since that day, y/n's been off. still obedient, still observant, still... unattached. yet, still off." levi explained to erwin and hanji as he did his paperwork.

"well, she's got to learn comrades die." erwin stated, sighing with his eyes closed.

"she's a kid from the underground. she doesn't understand anything about emotion." levi sighed, rubbing his temples.

"are you getting attached? remember, she's only a solider like everyone else." erwin sighed, looking at his best friend.

"i'm not saying that." levi sighed, looking over at hanji for help.

"i get what you mean, shorty! she's really been acting different lately.. but erwin does have a point." hanji frowned, giving a guilty shrug.

levi shook his head softly, his bangs moving in front of his eyes as he glared at his two friends.

"she's a solider- a kid. not some pawn in winning this war." levi scoffed, immediately shutting up at the sound of a knock from his door. "state your name and business."


"come in." he cut the small girl off, going back to his paperwork. "i was just about to come get you."

"i wanted to speak with you, sir." she exclaimed, looking at the other two higher ups in the room.

"go on." levi exclaimed, finishing the paper he was on before looking up at her again.

"i'm afraid i don't understand what i'm feeling?" she exclaimed, blinking slowly at her captain. "i've been having a feeling in my chest since marco died."

"you're hurt." erwin exclaims for levi. levi sighed, nodding at the answer before glaring at his friend.

"yes. you're hurt- how about, you go to the bonfire with your friends." levi exclaimed before hanji could say anything. "it starts in a few minutes."

"yes sir." y/n nodded, before exiting the room and leaving the adults to talk amongst themself.

the three sat in an uncomfortable silence; levi's leg bouncing up and down uncontrollably.

"we'll... let ourselves out." hanji chuckled nervously, leaving the room with erwin while levi's jaw ticked.

"good idea."

"i'm sorry." annie whispered to the burning fire. y/n blinked repeatedly as she looked over at the blonde.

"so-rry?" she asked the nonchalant girl. annie's eyes were wide, staring into the fire as if she'd done something no one would forgive her for.

"yeah... it's nothing." annie exclaims, looking over at the girl. she looked into y/n's confused (eye color) eyes before a wave of guilt hit her.

"are you okay?" y/n asks slowly. "are you hurt?"

"not physically." annie mumbles, pursing her lips together before walking off from the girl.

"y/n!" sasha yelled from behind the girl. she turned around to be met with her main friend group, smiling softly at them with a wave. "have you picked where you're gonna go?"

"i don't understand?" y/n stated, squinting her eyes. sasha hummed, tilting her head with a confused look.

"i mean... military police, garrison, survey corp. which one are you going too?" sasha exclaimed slower.

"i'm already in survey corps." y/n exclaimed, blinking at her friends who made a confused noise.

"it makes sense now!" jean snapped. "you truly are insane."


"you'd get yourself killed for.. for them?" he went on, sighing after a while of silence. "do you not understand how dangerous that is?"

"he's got his mind set on military police." connie summarized.

"where i'm from military police are pigs." y/n stated, shocking her three friends.

"in the underground.. how did you get around? survive?" sasha asked cautiously.

"we mostly had to kill and steal in order to survive. many people in the underground have to do it." y/n stated, tilting her head as if it wasn't the biggest thing in the world.

"you're a criminal-" jean stated, shocked.

"you want to be a pig." y/n blinked, connie immediately butting in to shut jean up.

"okay! anyway.." connie cleared his throat, the tension between his friends becoming awkward.

"i may not understand much about human feelings, but i do know survey corps needs as many people they can get to stop the war. you can help many more people rather than being a corrupt pig." y/n says before walking off.

jean sighed, running his hands up and down his face before huffing.

"why is she so unattached? have you guys noticed it?" connie asked, looking over at his friend who was talking with armin.

"i don't know... maybe we can teach her. help her!" sasha hummed, smiling at the thought while connie and jean nodded.

y/n ; levi a ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now