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"Come on Riley!, I know you have something!" Jimin shouted.
"I don't! I swear, I'm clean!" Riley shrieked back.

Jimin rolled his eyes. "You really expect me to believe that?"

"You're going down, Park!"
Riley glared.

Jimin finally took a deep breath. "Got any sevens?"
"Go fish."
"Damn it!"

Riley laughed, throwing her cards down in victory. Even though she really didn't win yet, it was still a beautiful sight to see Jimin aggravated.

"You don't have sevens, you don't have threes, you don't have ones... what are your cards?!"

"Well they look like the avengers but I'm not sure-"
"I meant numbers, Riley!"


Jimin groaned, falling back in his chair.

"Alright, you two break it up!" Jin said, setting rice on the table as a way to break up the game.

It obviously worked as Jimin dropped his cards and thanked Jin.

"It was that easy? Damn..." Riley said. She stood from the table, looking at her phone.

December 17

It had now been two weeks and five days without Hobi.

Sure, they talked every night, texted all day... it wasn't the same.
"Three days" Jin said suddenly.


"He comes back in three days. Have you made your decision or is he still your..." he looked her up and down as if to prove his point.
" friend."
The judgmental look faded into a smirk, hinting he was joking.

"He is my best friend, Jin! I don't want to talk about this anymore." Riley placed down her cards, face up.
Jimin suddenly shouted, "I knew it! You did have sevens!"
Riley rolled her eyes with a laugh. "I'm going to work-"

Jin suddenly grabbed the girl's arm, forcing her to stay put. "Alright that's where I'll stop you.
No you're not. If there's one thing we've learned about you it's that you work when you're stressed.
Sit, eat, and go to bed. Or I will call your oppa."

Riley paled. Hyunwoo would most definitely kill her if he found out she ran off to work during a crisis.
Especially a love crisis.

Then she realized he meant Hoseok. As far as Riley was concerned, Jin never meat Hyunwoo.
Which meant Jin was using Hoseok as blackmail to keep Riley from overworking again.

"Please don't, I don't think I can handle a lecture right now."
Riley pinched the bridge of her nose, plopping herself on the counter while Jin cleaned the dishes.

"For gods sake, Riley." Jin threw a wooden spoon in the sink as he turned to look at the girl who made herself comfortable on his counter.
"You bring the lectures on by yourself. You had a stroke."

Riley looked down at her hands, which her fingers had laced together in the midst of Jin's lecture.

No matter what I get lectured anyway... I could always just go to work.

"Besides, Hoseok cares about you, we care about you. How can we not worry?"

Riley finally looked up, narrowing her eyes as Jin's words had struck her.
"You guys...?"

"Obviously. Seriously we think we'd let you mooch off our food and sleep in Hobi's bed if we didn't?"

Riley smiled, relief washing over her. "Oh. I guess you're right."

"Come on, then. I believe you owe Jimin another game of ... Go Fish, was it?"

"No! It was Uno."

"Oh dear."


Jimin won the following games, ultimately resulting in Riley admitting her defeat as she laid the cards on the table.

"Wait a second~" Tae said, peeking over at her cards. She smacked his chest before he could finish his thought.

The cards had obviously been winning ones, but Riley loved how Jimin got so excited when he won.

Taehyung smiled, despite the pain in his chest from where the girl smacked.

"Fine, fine-"

Jungkook suddenly plopped beside Riley, his elbow rested on her shoulder. He looked urgent, wanting to ask her something.

"So what's the deal with you in Taehyung's bed?" Riley mused, poking his nose.

Jungkook flushed but rolled his eyes. "I don't like sleeping alone, and when we're missing someone it makes me clingy... I promise, Tae and I don't have anything but friendship." He said, his cheeks still pink.

Taehyung nodded. "We like to act like we're an old married couple sometimes."

"Please, you're literally 23." Riley said, shaking her head.

"Well, now that we talk about it... I've been meaning to ask you a question." Jungkook mumbled.

Riley tilted her head, her eyebrows furrowed.
"Who... who is that?" Jungkook brought out his phone, showing her a picture of her beginning days at KMagz, posing with her parents and another girl they'd never seen before. Before she had moved from Tennessee.

Riley's heart warmed at the sight of her childhood best friend, Sarah McConnell.

The girl had ginger curly hair that fell to her shoulders, framing a freckled, bright smile that Riley could tell caught his attention.

Riley could see why Jungkook was questioning her about the girl.

"Ah~ Sarah? She doesn't speak Korean. I tried for years to get her into BTS, but eventually I ended up moving to New York and lost touch with her... sort of."

"Sort of?" Jungkook lost his hopeful look.

Riley giggled a bit. "She and I still text when we can, but since I had the accident I can't understand her. I'll call Oppa if you want to meet her so bad."

The hopeful light grew back in his eyes.


"You got it, Kookie."

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