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Jasper Silvervale was a bright young girl raised as an only child by her parents Daizee and Biff Silvervale. She was taught how to ride horses and herd cattle up until her eight birthday. The reaping of the 65th hunger games had come, her family didn't have to worry due to the fact that she had four more years until her first go into the reaping. They did what they always did on reaping day, celebrated Jasper's birthday. They scrounge up enough money for a small cupcake and sing happy birthday before going and viewing the reaping.

This birthday had been slightly different as Jasper had went out on her own to the fields to ride her horse and had been gone for hours. Her parents stricken with worry as the peacekeepers swarmed the city had opted to search for her so as not to get in trouble. Jasper didn't realize that that would be the last morning she would ever see her parent's alive.

A law across all of Panem states that all citizens of the districts must be at the reaping or severe punishment may ensue. They don't punish children below the age of 12 for this as when the reaping comes they must show or they will automatically be chosen. The severe punishment that Jasper's parents faced was decapitation in the very field that she had been riding in during her districts reaping.

The entire district learned of this tragedy quickly as most everyone knew of the Silvervale family, Biff was the town butcher packaging the meat for the district and the Capitol whilst Daizee produced leather goods. The family provided lots for the district, food and clothing being the bulk of it, but what the town cared for the most was their bubbly daughter. Jasper Silvervale was like the sun in the eyes of district 10, always smiling and laughing as though nothing was ever wrong, even when her parents passed she found some semblance of happiness. Especially because of a man named Burch Wildheart.

Burch Wildheart had been the victor of the 55th hunger games, he was a 32 year old man given the nickname 'the butcher' for the gruesome ways that he killed his victims during his games. He was rarely seen around town and he only came out of victors village to groom the wild horses in the fields. After his tributes died in the blood bath on the first day of the hunger games Burch went to the fields to relax himself and forget about the losses that he's faced. When in the field he saw a young girl on a horse trotting through to where he was stood, he noticed a smile on her face as a look of confusion crossed his, "what are you doing out here all alone?"

Jasper just giggled, "my mommy and daddy are gone so it's just me and my horsey now."

Burch had learned of the Silvervale family on his way to the Capitol, but he had never met young Jasper and he knew then and there that he would have to protect her and treat her as though she was his own. Jasper had ignited a fire in him that he had not felt since before his games, the feeling of innocence was an old feeling but it was a welcome one.

Burch knew that Jasper only had a few years until her name could be placed in one of those glass bowls with hundreds of other children awaiting a fate that they could only pray to be ready for. So he did the best thing he could think of doing and that was train her.

Every victor once they win their games has to choose a hobby. Haymitch Abernathy, the victor of the second quarter quell from district 12, chose cooking. Mags Flannagan, the victor of the 11th hunger games from district 4, makes elaborate fish hooks. Burch being form district 10 had only a few possible options, his favorite was meat carving. Something about the resemblance to human flesh and the gruesomeness of his games drew back into his hobby and 'the butcher' was born. Using this hobby Burch taught Jasper everything he knew about the games, the capitol, the other victors. He made her watch past games, reapings, and he taught her how to use special weapons. Knives, whips, lasso's, you name it she used it.

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"Again!" Jasper grunted, whipping the lasso around the dummy that Burch had made out of leftover butcher scraps.

Burch groaned, " This isn't enough Jasper, if you go into those games I need you to come out! Do you understand! This is life or death, and I can't let you die!"

She looked him in the eye with a smile on her face, her flushed cheeks rounded in joy, "Don't worry papa, if I get reaped I'm gonna come home to you and grandpa Major. I promise, and I don't break promises."

Burch smiled, a small tear in his eye for his girl was growing up, "I know peanut, I know."

This conversation happened everyday for weeks, months , years.

Jasper was learning fast, she continued school and watched the games every year, collecting the technique of every victor learning their weaknesses and what made them win. The 66th, 67th, 68th, 69th. The 70th hunger games. Her time to shine.

"May the odds be ever in your favor"
















~Lo speaks~

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~Lo speaks~

That's the first chapter!! I'm so excited to begin her games and I can't wait to see what everyone thinks of this story. This is my first real fanfiction that I am actually trying to write so I'd love feedback on what you think of this story so far!!

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