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"he's a tough customer."

ginger hair, alluring azure eyes and a tall yet slim frame, childe was easy to spot in the bustling crowd. aimlessly looking around, he seems to be lost in thought. although unfocused, his pupils looked as if staring. y/n ducked instinctively, putting the serving tray above her head.

they just met yesterday, and after an awkward joke, the flustered y/n was worked up about avoiding his gaze.

"what is it?"

xiangling questioned with a puzzled look, carefully looking through the crowd.

y/n tugged at xiangling's hand as she shook her head. her painfully shy face suggested so to her childhood friend.

"hmph! you've gotten a boyfriend, huh?"

y/n'a face went pale. her jaw dangled open, wide enough for her soul to escape.

no way in teyvat!

"n-not at all. he's just.."

y/n trailed off, as if invited to a space where time froze. her eyes never left the harbinger, who now threw money onto the front desk, demanding to sit at the same spot as yesterday.

"..the table in front of the silk flowers, next to the window. i'll be sitting there, if you please."

his voice was one she would never forget. it sounded calm, smooth, yet ferocious, blistering even. no matter the harsh the wordings, how cruel the tone, y/n still felt his voice as if a rose petal caressing her.

y/n was hopelessly drawn to him.

"well? he's a what?"

xiangling's voice, now with a hint of annoyance, has once again brought y/n back to teyvat.

"n-nothing, really. just—"

"xiangling! y/n! stop the chit-chat get back to work!"

"sorry, y/n. let's talk after this, yeah?"

xiangling grabbed a nearby serving plate and scrambled to her duties.

y/n remained still, catching a last glance at the ginger-haired boy. he was ordering on the menu, the waiter writing his orders one by one. it reminded y/n of their first meeting, and of her gift to him.

"..just a tough customer."

she muttered under her breath.

"hey! y/n, are you still slacking? deliver these dishes for me, please."

"ah y-yes! right away!"

stumbling on her stiff legs for crouching so long, y/n resumed the busy duties of a waiter.

even in the bustling mess in the restaurant, childe spotted y/n easily.

"hey, y/n! over here!"

across the endless waves of food and customers, y/n turned around to the familiar voice of a certain boy.

[HIATUS] Close To You - childeWhere stories live. Discover now