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"code name, childe."

"so? sit!"

tartaglia said, pointing to the chair next to him. obviously intimidated by what he said just now, y/n sat down obediently. tartaglia chuckled.

"well, what's your favourite dish?"

y/n could feel her cheeks burn at maximum heat.

"..? your cheeks are so red. are you sick? got a fever?"

thanks, fatui boy. you got me sick with a fever.

y/n laughed nervously.

"i- i'm pretty sure it's nothing!"

"alright. well, i'll go order one of each!"

"b-but it will be a waste if we don't finish it all!"

"don't worry. i'm very hungry!"

eating lunch with such a cute boy is the best thing that could happen to y/n today. the eleventh harbinger! she refuses to believe this isn't a dream.

"am i dreaming, tartaglia?"

"hm? no. what is it?"

"o-oh nothing! just wanted to make sure..!"

dammit, y/n.

y/n couldn't help it. as much as she wanted to not made a fool of herself, she couldn't help but to stare. this boy, known as tartaglia, the eleventh harbinger. his silky hair, seducing eyes and smooth voice. not to mention, his neck, body and clothes. they all fitted together perfectly like puzzle pieces.

"what is it?"

tartaglia chuckled.

"what are you looking at? is there something in my hair?"

he reached to ruffle his hair.

"eh? there's nothing! tell me, what are you looking at?"

y/n panicked internally.

"u-uh i was just l-looking at the silk flowers b-behind you!!"

definitely wasn't.


nice, y/n. what kind of excuse is that?

thank the heavens, the food arrived to break the tension. tartaglia's eyes lit up the moment he saw all these dishes put on the table.

"l-let's dig in!"

tartaglia wasn't a picky eater. he can eat anything. meanwhile, y/n was quite the picky eater. picking only this and that, y/n only ate small dumplings and rolls.

tartaglia ate anything y/n didn't. ignoring the fact that he couldn't tackle spicy food very well, he ate all the spicy food. of course, he didn't handle it well. he started sweating and coughing a lot. noticing it, y/n immediately poured water for him.

"trying to act like a tough guy, huh?"

"yeah.. you caught me."

"you could've just told me! i can eat some of it too."

"it's alright."

"well, are you feeling better now, tartaglia?"

y/n wanted to know him more. he sounded so mysterious, yet so friendly. she couldn't control her curiosity anymore.

"h-hey, tartaglia? mind if i asked you a question?"

"ask away, comrade."

"do you have a code name? i heard fatui harbingers have code names."

"why, of course i do! my code name is 'childe'. sounds cool, right?"


"it sounds very cool! c-can i call you childe too?"

childe laughed.

"of course."

"so, what's your favourite food, ta- i mean childe!" 


"you look embarrassed. it's okay."

y/n sat there, and buried her face in her hands. she was seeing stars and feeling butterflies in her stomach. she doubts her face is a normal shade right now.

"well, what's your name?"


"y/n.. that's a pretty name. it suits you!"

y/n finally accepted that it is happening. childe is talking to her right now. they are sitting next to each other, having lunch. that's right. childe, using a fork and a spoon to eat lunch with her.



"want to learn how to use chopsticks?"

author's note:

im sorry this chapter is relatively shorter sdkajsdafgj i cant really think rn sorry

also next chapter will be longer!! i promise :>

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