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Y/N and Victoria stayed at the fountain for about a half an hour.
"I can only think of the 'Lizzie McGuire movie' said Y/N. Vic chuckled. "well I guess it is some what of an accurate representation of what the Trevi fountain does when wished upon."
Y/N realised she didn't ask anything much about Victoria like she asked to her. "So, enough said about me. Are you Danish?" Asked Y/N. Victoria looked at her, slightly surprised. "Yes, I'm half actually. How Could you tell?"
"well, my best friend back home is half Danish and whenever I'd go to his house his mom would always be there obviously. So, I know a Danish accent when I hear one." She said, smiling.

The two got a taxi to the colosseum since it was too far to walk - especially in thirty degree heat.

"So, now I'm guessing you're thinking about the movie 'Gladiator'?" Said Victoria, jokingly. Y/N laughed, "Actually, no. Ancient Rome was my favourite chapter in history class since I was thirteen. So, I'm putting together all the different things I learnt in school." Victoria seemed impressed. "Wow Y/N, I'm starting to like you even more by the minute!"
'Could that mean Vic likes me? I mean, is she even into girls? I think she is.' Thought Y/N as she looked around the colosseum. They walked more and more around the city. Victoria showed Y/N her favourite stores around the city including a thrift store where Victoria said she gets most of her performance outfits from.
"so, you're a fan of thrift stores?"
"yes. I love them. In other company stores all of the clothes are just what everybody else wears. I want to bring forward and back the trends. Be different, you know?"
Y/N knew exactly what she meant. However, self expression in Ireland is slightly difficult if you're a teenager. If you don't fit into this small box of standards, then you get the looks, sniggers and people act like its almost the end of the world not to dress in ugly grey tracksuits. "Well I love thrift stores back home. Except, they're called charity shops since a lot of the money goes to charity" said Y/N, flicking through the racks. "that's very cool. You wanna get some food? I know this great pizza place near here." said Victoria, checking the time with her phone "the guys are coming here in 5, if you wanna meet up with them. Or..." said Vic, leaning in slightly closer. "Or?" quizzed Y/N moving in also. "Or we could do something... Alone." Said Vic in a hushed tone. Y/N grabbed her hand and the set off down the streets of Rome. To a small, dimly lit restaurant with fairy lights all over. "it's on me, come on in." Said Victoria, holding her hand, squeezing it. The two walked in slowly.

𝑹𝑯𝒀𝑻𝑯𝑴 ~ 𝑽𝒊𝒄𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒂 𝑫𝒆 𝑨𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒔Where stories live. Discover now