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Y/N knew calling her parents about Rotterdam was a big deal. Her parents are amazing and always supported her with everything she wanted but saying; "hey I just met a hot rock band, fell in love with the bassist and now they want to take me to the Eurovision!" was a long shot.
But, she had to do it.
So, she rang her mother.
"Hey mam, how are u?"
"Hi Y/N, I'm good. you?"
"good, good. I have a few things to tell you." started Y/N. "I met a band from here in Rome. And we're fairly friendly."
"Well that's great! Sure it's nice to have a few friends when travelling." replied her mother, completely oblivious.
"Yeah so, they're representing Italy in the Eurovision."
She had officially dropped the bomb. She was waiting for her mother to respond.
"Oh wow! Y/N that's amazing how your friends are doing so well."
"yeah! Uhm I've gotten really close with the bassist the last two days. Her name is Victoria and she has asked me if I'd like to meet them in Rotterdam to attend the competition." Y/N's hands were shaking, she really wanted to go but didn't want to put any pressure on her mam.
"WHAT?!? Y/N that's Huge! But, you've only met these people. Victoria, is she a really good friend?"
She knew what her mother was trying to get at. She chuckled.
"I guess, I mean after two days I can't make anything official. But, yes we like each other." said Y/N.
"well, I'd have no problem with you going but we'll just have to talk about the money side of it once you get home. K?"
"okay mam, love you"
"love you too."
Y/N hung up the phone, a smile plastered her face. She couldn't wait to tell the band.

Y/N walked in, keeping a neutral face to trick them. "WELL?!?!" exclaimed Victoria whilst all the boys lost hope. "I'll be seeing you in Rotterdam!" said Y/N, finally leaving her massive smile out. The five broke out in cheer. They all hugged. Victoria tried to sneak a kiss to Y/N but didn't do a great job hiding it since the boys all noticed. "OoOOoOoH" said the boys in childish high-pitched tones. "oh grow up" chuckled Victoria, hugging Y/N.
"looks like we'll be seeing more of you in the future than we thought!" said Thomas, implying the obvious. Victoria gave him an over dramatic wink.
"I should go and let you rehearse, do you have any taxi numbers?"
Thomas turned his head quickly.
"Why leaving so soon?"
"well... Do you not want to rehearse alone? I feel like I'm intruding" said Y/N, slightly confused.
"No no, you're welcome to come here anytime during your stay. You're a friend now." said Damiano. Y/N smiled a sweet grin. "So we'll run a few songs and go out for drinks at nine or so?" asked Ethan.
"I'm hungry too, could we run by a restaurant later?" asked Thomas, looking up from his Amp. "yeah sure, Y/N are you free?" asked Vic.
"of course I am"
"Perfect, it's a date." said Damiano.
"Oh one more thing." said ethan, just as everyone was about to play. "I need to hear Y/N sing."

𝑹𝑯𝒀𝑻𝑯𝑴 ~ 𝑽𝒊𝒄𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒂 𝑫𝒆 𝑨𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒔Where stories live. Discover now