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In the arena:
Måneskin signed in at the front desk going into the arena.
"so, we're going to get our mics and stuff on. You can sit here and we'll be out in a few minutes." said Victoria, gesturing to a seat in the front row of the audience.
Y/N took a seat next to another band.
"Hey. You're with Italy?" asked the guy directly next to her.
"Uh yes. I'm Victoria's girlfriend, Y/N."
"Oh cool. I'm Joel. This is Niko, joonas, Olli, Tommi and Aleksi." he said. "we're representing Finland."
"Oh yes. I think I heard you song on YouTube. You guys are great. It's nice to meet you." said Y/N, shaking each's hands.
"do you mind me asking. You aren't from Italy, are you?"
Y/N chuckled a bit. "No no, I'm from Ireland. I met Måneskin when I was on holiday in Italy two weeks ago."
"very cool. Well, you just missed us. We just wanted to stay here for a while to see another few acts. But we did actually meet måneskin at the semi finals. They are very talented."
"yes. Very." agreed Y/N.
Then suddenly, the lights went up. She heard the guitar, bass and drums come in, along with Damiano singing. Her smile was as big as it would go.
*song ends with loud cheers coming from Y/N, Blind channel and the tech crew.*
"They were great." said Niko, still clapping.
"yeah they were amazing!"
"Hey, Y/N we gotta go. See you Saturday?" said Joel.
"Of course. See you then." agreed Y/N.
As they were leaving, måneskin walked out. Damiano put his arms out, walking towards blind channel.
"JOEL! NIKO! CIAO!!" he exclaimed, hugging them.
"hey guys" said Victoria, kissing each of them on both cheeks, quickly. She ran towards Y/N.
"awh you guys were so amazing!" she said, kissing Vic.
The two walked over to the group. Y/N kissed Damiano, Thomas and Ethan on both cheeks, saying well done to each of them. "guys, you were great as usual, but we gotta go. I'll see you tomorrow and Y/N I'll see you at the finals." said niko. All the members of blind channel left with who Y/N assumed was their manager.
"Hey uh can we stay until the Ukraine perform? Y/N needs to hear GO_A." asked damiano.
Everyone agreed and took their seats right before their song; SHUM started.
The song ended with a loud applause coming from the five. Damiano, cheering the loudest.
"Bravo! BRAVO!"
"dam a big fan then?" Chuckled Y/N.
"you have no idea. He has it on repeat. ALL OF THE TIME!" laughed Vic.
"Okay, drinks?" said Thomas, getting up slowly from his seat.
The other four agreed and left the arena, saying well done and goodbye to the Ukrainian group.

In the bar the five had an amazing time. Drinking shots that almost made Y/N puke, damiano unveiling the surprising secret that he doesn't like parties.
"wait, so damiano david doesn't like PARTYING?!?!" chuckled Y/N in shock.
"Sì, it is true. He is like uhh.. Grandpa." Teased Ethan.
The group laughed. They were laughing all night. Doing even more shots and telling embarrassing stories about each other from school.
The downside to that was that they got blackout drunk. Victoria, Y/N and Damiano were okay, just a little tipsy but Ethan and Thomas were all over the place. Occasionally falling, laughing, singing - badly and even dancing.
They got a taxi back to the hotel. They went up the elevator, damiano, ethan and Thomas ran straight to their room, jumping on the bed - sleeping straight away.
Vic and Y/N strolled behind them, stopping at Y/N's door.
"hey, loved hanging out tonight, really. Listen we'll be gone early in the morning. We have a few interviews and then a full dress rehearsal for the show. Are you okay to hang around the city until we're done? It'll be around 9:30 before we are done." said Vic.
"Yes that's perfect. I'd love to see the city and maybe we can meet up after..." smirked Y/N.
Vic nodded, kissed her goodnight and they went back to their rooms. Just 48 hours and the winner of Eurovision Song Contest 2021 would be announced.

𝑹𝑯𝒀𝑻𝑯𝑴 ~ 𝑽𝒊𝒄𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒂 𝑫𝒆 𝑨𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒔Where stories live. Discover now