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PLEASE NOTE: in this world all countries have their own dressing room.

Y/N went back down to her room to get dressed. Vic and the guys told her she could come all day today and sit in the green room for a few hours before the show started. she started her makeup, opening up her big bag, she displayed everything she needed. She went with a neutral eyeshadow with a bit of glitter and a burgundy lip - to match Måneskin's costuming. 

once her makeup was done, she straightened her hair and got dressed. a black and gold blazer with a black skirt, fishnets and knee high boots. As she did the finishing touches to her outfit, a knock came from the door. it was of course Victoria. Her hair down and natural. "Oh my god Y/N. you look absolutely beautiful. The boys are down at the lobby. ready to go?" Y/N nodded. "Yeah. let me just get my bag."
They took the elevator and saw the boys sitting on a couch in the lobby. As they saw Victoria and Y/N get out of the sliding metal doors, their face changed to astonishment. "Buongiorno." They both said.
"Y/N, you look very beautiful." said Ethan.
"Grazie mille." she replied, kissing him on the cheek.
"yes you look amazing." said Damiano and Thomas. "K, we need to go." said Victoria hitting the boys to get up. Then, they went out to the car and took the journey to the arena.
"Hey Y/N. I'll introduce you into Niki." said Victoria with a grin.
Y/N's mouth dropped open and flashed a smile. "really?!!" she said, excited.
"Of course."
"oh god are you another fangirl?" said Damiano, rolling his eyes.
"Uh... YES! She's amazing." chuckled Y/N.
Just as they got to the arena, Damiano walked Y/N through all the stuff she would be doing while they were practicing.
"So, we have a huge dressing room and you can stay in there for the majority of the rehearsal. or, you could go to the green room for a while, there's food and you can meet the other countries. Va bene?"
"Sì, perfetto." she replied.
They stepped out of the car. Y/N looked up at the tall building. They walked into the arena and met the crew that escorted them to the dressing room. The band got dressed into their performance clothes. When they were getting their hair and makeup done, Y/N decided to wander around the arena for a while. 

 she looked up at the stage. The tech workers were getting the lights ready. She noticed France and Switzerland sitting in their booths. "Hi there." said the guy who Y/N assumed was their representative. Hi. How are you?" Asked Y/N. "Good. I'm Gjon. I'm representing Switzerland." Y/N shook his hand. "I'm Y/N, I'm here with Italy. A plus one, if you will." She chuckled. "That's great. See you later then." 

"Bonjour. Barbara Pravi. I'm representing France." said a woman in France's  booth. "Bonjour. I'm Y/N. Girlfriend of the Italian bassist." She said, shaking her hand. "Oh yes. Victoria?" "Yes." "she's very talented. I briefly met them at the quarter finals. Good luck." 

Y/N decided to go to the greenroom. She saw Joel eating sandwiches at one of the tables. he was alone. "Ciao!" she said, walking towards him. "ah hi Y/N! Please, sit." She sat down with a sandwich. "So... the guys nervous?" "Well... I think they are but they're trying to hide it. All except Ethan. He's never nervous." she chuckled. "well...we're nervous, extremely. I'm waiting for Niko to vomit." "Well. You'll do great. you're definitely one of my favourites." She said, hugging him. "I'm gonna go back to the dressing room. Tell the guys I said good luck and I'll see you later."

She walked back into the dressing room and heard a familiar voice. She opened the door and saw Niki sitting on the couch talking to Thomas. "Oh, hey Y/N. VIC!!! Y/N'S HERE!" exclaimed Thomas. Victoria walked out of the bathroom. Damiano following behind her. "Niki, this is my girlfriend Y/N. She's a fan also."  Y/N chuckled "I'm a huge fan. you pretty much taught me how to use makeup."
"well... That's amazing. I've obviously been a good enough teacher, you look incredible." smiled Niki. "Thank you so much.  I'm sure you're very busy so would you mind if we got a picture?"
"of course! God with someone who looks as good I should be asking you for a picture!" smiled Niki. Y/N got a picture and thanked her.
The band then went on to rehearse the final run of the show except not running their songs this time. So Y/N had roughly an hour to herself in the dressing room. She decided to facetime Adam.
"oh hi Y/N, what's up."
"oh nothing. The countries are out rehearsing so I'm just in the dressing room. Anything knew at home?"
"absolutely nothing. Connors driving me up the walls as per usual. You know his usual shit."
That made Y/N laugh. She was always so much closer to Adam than Connor. He was the baby of the family - and the worst  behaved.
"mam and dad okay?"
"yeah they're grand. Mams out walking thee dog and dads at work. We'll be cheering the band on tonight."
"Thanks Adam. Talk to you tonight?"
"love you." teased Y/N. he hated when she told him she loved him.
"love you too." he mumbled.
After a few about thirty minutes of waiting. It was time.
The Eurovision song Contest 2021 was about to begin. And even Ethan was nervous.

Va bene? - alright?
Perfetto - perfect.

𝑹𝑯𝒀𝑻𝑯𝑴 ~ 𝑽𝒊𝒄𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒂 𝑫𝒆 𝑨𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒔Where stories live. Discover now