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A half hour later, Måneskin had their first interview as the winners of Eurovision. But, they had that half hour to realise waht they just did. They all went back to the dressing room to celebrate, fix there makeup that was destroyed by crying and talk. Talk about how they just achieved something that 5 years ago could've only dreamt of achieving.

"WOOOOHOOO!" cheered the team. "CONGRATULATIONS!"
"I am so incredibly proud of you." said Y/N, kissing Victoria, pulling her in by the waist."
They heard Damiano and Thomas singing into his phone. 🎶"mamma mamma cita- tell me what to do" 🎶
"How drunk are they?"
"I will be surprised if they remember they won by morning." chuckled Victoria.
"So. Are we fixing Damiano's pants or...?" said Y/N to the team.
"F*ck it. Let's get to the interview." said Damiano, shrugging. Everyone laughed and walked to the room where they would be doing the interview.

Once they were finished with the press, they decided to go out to dinner and drinks with Blind Channel. They were the country they were closest to and they'd meet all the other countries the day after, at the after party.
The band got changed since their performance outfits were partially ruined.

24 hours later they were celebrated widely. Celebrated by all the countries, by all the press, by all of the radio stations in Europe. Especially in the Netherlands and of course, Italy. Y/N was having an astounding time. She dreaded the thought of going home. She dreaded going home in 48 hours. They sat at a table in the middle of the room at the party.
"Ugh I never want to go home." said Y/N, taking a sip of her vodka coke.
"I never want you to go home either." said Victoria, snapping her head towards the guys. Their eyebrows raising almost in conversation. They all eventually nodded slightly.
"Y/N, how about you come on tour with us. I'm sure the team won't mind. They love you and Damiano might be bringing Giorgia and it'll be perfect. You'll have to do some little things to help with the team but you mentioned that you've worked with light and sound before?" asked Victoria.
"Uh... Yeah I know a few things. I worked for a few musical theatre shows doing tech work. Are you sure that this is okay? I mean is it a bit much?" Y/N was fearful.
"I just texted the head of team. She said it's fine if you can help wherever you can. So tech, costuming ect." said Thomas, Reading his phone.
I-I'll have to talk to my parents. I can call my brother to find out when it's a good time. Sì?"
She called Adam.

"Hey Y/N! Congratulations on the big win. Its amazing." he said.
"Me and the band said thank you. Listen I have something to tell you. Are you alone?"
"I'm with Connor, hold on a sec." She heard him moving rooms.
"okay, what's up."
"uhm well... Victoria asked me if I'd like to come on tour with måneskin. And I don't know what mam and dad will say."
"wow... Shit Y/N. You can ask them, just be fairly brief but informative if you can. Do it tomorrow."
"okay. One more favour to ask. Could you please text me whenever they're in a good mood? I don't wanna talk to them if they're angry or annoyed."
"yeah, yeah of course. Listen congrats again and I'll talk to you in the morning."
She hung up the phone.
"Adam said he'd tell me when it's a good time to ask."
"perfetto. Now, let's have a good night!" said Ethan, clinking his drink against Vic's.

The morning after Y/N woke up at 10:30pm. She checked her phone.
"I think it would be a good time to tell mam and dad sometime this afternoon.
See u soon. - A."
Y/N sighed and called the land-line.
"Hello?" said a deep voice at the other end of the phone.
"Oh hi Y/N. its Adam."
"oh hey Adam. Mam and dad there?"
"yeah one sec." he put down the phone and called his parents.
"Y/N!! How are you? Congrats again on the big win! The band were even more amazing than I expected!" said her mam, picking up the phone.
"Thanks mam. Can you put me on speaker phone so dad can hear?"
"yeah. You're on speaker now."
"Hi Y/N!" chimed her dad.
"hi dad! So uhm I wanted to ask you something and we can talk more about it later tonight when I get home but Vic and the boys have invited me to come on tour with them for a while. I'll have to do some tech work and costume work to pay it off but Damiano's girlfriend may be coming too."
"oh... Wow. That's great, Y/N. We'll definitely have to talk more about it when you come home, okay?" agreed her parents.
"yeah yeah of course. They're starting the tour in two weeks so I just need to know in the next five-ish days."
"okay love, I'll see you when you get home."
"see ye soon. Love you."

She knew she'd have to convince her parents. Just a little.
She got a text from Adam.
"mam and dad seem to be open to it. I can hear a little bit downstairs and they don't seem to be completely against it."
"okay good. See you soon xx."

After about a half hour later she decided to finally get dressed.
Then, as she was doing her makeup; a knock came from the door. It was Ethan.
"Morning! Come in." she said leaving the door open and returning to the table which her makeup was layed out. Ethan sat on the bed.
"Would you like to come to brunch with the guys from Finland? Joel has us booked into a place down the street."
"if I'm welcome, I'd love to. What time?"
"around 12:30 I'm pretty sure. You can just come back to our room with me when you're ready." he said, falling back flat on the bed.
"Perfect. Well I'm almost ready. Give me 20 minutes most?"
"take your time. I'm not going anywhere. Victoria is hogging the bathroom and Thomas could barely get out of bed this morning. It's a lot safer here." he joked.

Once Y/N was ready, her and Ethan went back to the band's Hotel room. Thomas and Damiano were sitting on the end of the bed.
"hey. Morning Y/N." said Damiano.
"ciao. The Madam is in the bathroom getting ready." said Thomas. Y/N opened to bathroom door.
"buongiornio" said Y/N, hugging Vic from the back.
"oh hi! You look lovely." she replied, putting on mascara.
"grazie!" she smiled.
"VICTORIA DE ANGELIS ANDIAMO PER FAVORE!" yelled damiano, chuckling.
"I'M COMING I'M COMING." she screamed back.
"now do you know what I meant when I said it was safer in your room?" laughed ethan as Y/N walked out of the bathroom.
"Sì." she sighed. "I think I'd have to agree with you on that one." she laughed.

𝑹𝑯𝒀𝑻𝑯𝑴 ~ 𝑽𝒊𝒄𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒂 𝑫𝒆 𝑨𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒔Where stories live. Discover now