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Whilst in the dimly lit, romantic restaurant; the two talked about everything. What Ireland and Italy are like, their family and much much more. It came to the moment where they eventually had to leave the restaurant. Once the waitress brought over the bill, is when the very Irish argument started.
"Its on me." said Y/N as she put her card alongside the bill.
"what? No no, I'll get it. You are here on vacation. You can get the next one" said Vic with a wink.
Y/N raised her eyebrows slightly and gave in. Mainly, because of the thought of another day spent with Victoria gave her butterflies.

Victoria payed and the two left. Saying goodbye to the waitresses as they were leaving.
"okay so the guys are back at the studio I think but we could grab some drinks in the hotel if you'd like?"
"A-are you insane? Not like I wouldn't love spending more time with you but you're going to the Eurovision! You guys need to practice so you can win!" said Y/N
"okay well, you could come watch us rehearse! It would be great to give us feedback!" Said Victoria, a buzz in her eyes.
"Are you sure? I mean I wouldn't want to over stay my welcome with you guys"
"are you kidding? The guys love you! I'll just call damiano since he's the only one who answers his phone!" laughed Vic, pulling out her phone.
She stepped back to call Damiano. "Ciao Damiano, va bene se Y/N viene a trovarci per le prove? Sarebbe bello avere qualcuno che ci dicesse su cosa lavorare. E lei canta!" said Victoria on the phone. "okay, grazie. A presto!" she said, hanging up.
"Damiano and the boys are more than happy you're coming. Come on, I'll call a taxi."
Hey everyone! Hope you're all well and enjoying 'Rhythym'! The response of all the views and votes have Been amazing! I know this chapter isn't very long but I didn't want to keep you waiting! So, what do you think Y/N will get up to while at the studio? Or what will happen after? 🤫😉 (for Italian sentences click into comments and there will be a translation. Feel free to correct me if I got anything wrong! <3)

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